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Protein synthesis starts in the nucleus and finishes on the ribosomes in the cytoplasm and rough endoplasmic reticulum.

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Q: Where does protein cellular take place in animal cells?
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Where does cellular reperation take place in a animal cell?

Cellular respiration takes place in the mitochondria of animal cells. This process produces energy in the form of ATP by breaking down glucose molecules with the help of oxygen.

Respiration takes place in the cells of most organisms?

Yes, respiration is a cellular process that occurs in most organisms where cells produce energy by breaking down glucose and other nutrients in the presence of oxygen. This process generates ATP, the energy currency of the cell, which is used for various cellular activities.

Where does protein synthesis take place in animal cells?

Protein synthesis takes place in animal cells in the ribosomes, specifically in the cytoplasm. The process involves translating the genetic information from mRNA into a specific sequence of amino acids to build proteins.

Where in the cell does the aerobic cellular respiration occur or take place?

Prokaryotic and animal cells. As well as plant cells which preform Cellular Respiration after photosynthesis. Basically, all living organisms perform Cellular Respiration.

Does cytoplasm have an animal?

Cytoplasm is a structure present in all living cells, including animal cells. It is a jelly-like substance that helps to hold the cell's organelles in place and is involved in various cellular processes such as metabolism and transport.

What types of cell does cellular respiration occur?

Cellular respiration occurs in eukaryotic cells, which are cells that contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. It takes place in the mitochondria, where glucose is broken down to generate energy in the form of ATP.

Does cellular respiration take place in the plant or animal cell?

Cellular respiration takes place in both plant and animal cells. It is a process where cells break down glucose to produce energy in the form of ATP. In plant cells, this process occurs in the mitochondria and chloroplasts, while in animal cells, it occurs only in the mitochondria.

Is cytoplasym in plants and animal cells?

Yes, the cytoplasm is present in both plant and animal cells. It is a jelly-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds cellular organelles. Cytoplasm plays a crucial role in supporting the structure of the cell and providing a medium for cellular activities to take place.

What takes place in cells mitochondria?

cellular respiration

What cells does respiration take place in?

Cellular respiration takes place in all living cells , both prokaryotic cells and in eukaryotic cells.

Where is photosynthesis and cellular respiration take place?

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplast. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide, water, and light energy is turned into glucose and oxygen. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen and turned into carbon dioxide, water, and energy. As you can see, the are both really a big cycle.