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The white dwarf still has a lot of mass ( about 80% of the original star), but it only has a small size( less than two Earths).

A huge volume of material forms a nebula which gradually disperses.

This type of nebula is (confusingly) called a "planetary nebula".

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Q: Where does most of a red giant go when the star becomes a white dwarf?
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What is the sequence of a stars life?

A star starts as a blue giant, then becomes a yellow dwarf. It will then swell into a red giant. Then, at the end of it's life, it becomes a super giant and explodes. The remains are usually a red dwarf, which brightens and becomes a white dwarf. The white dwarf fades and becomes a black dwarf which turns to dust. Sometimes after a supernova it turns into a pulsar, which rotates 300-1,000 times a minute and makes giant rhythmic pulses that stretch for light years.

How does the surface temperature of a white dwarfs compareto a white main sequence star?

No, white dwarfs are cooler than supergiants, they also have a lower luminosity (are more faint). A different viewpoint: There's obviously a range of temperatures for these stars, but the hottest (surface temperature) known star is in fact a white dwarf. It has a surface temperature of over 200,000 degrees Celsius.

How do the lives of the most massive stars end?

Massive stars end their lives in violent explosions known as supernovae. Depending on their mass, they may turn into neutron stars or black holes after the explosion. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy and heavy elements into space.

What is the stage after red giant for a low or medium mass star?

White dwarf is the most common answer if you are thinking of the red giant as the entire time a star swells to more than its main sequence size.However, the stages of a star actually occur in this order.After a medium mass star reaches red giant phase (second brightest phase), its core contracts until it becomes so dense helium begins to fuse into carbon (helium flash) at which point the star enters its second burning phase, known as the horizontal branch (slightly less bright than red giant).This is the second longest phase of the star (if not considering dwarf phases which are not really stars, they are more like cooling coals after a fire).Hydrogen to Helium reactions still occur in layers surrounding the core. When the star's store of Helium is consumed, it begins what is called the asymptotic giant branch (brightest/largest phase) where it again swells in size before pushing its otter layers off to form a planetary nebula.Eventually this nebula floats away leaving the cooling carbon core known as a white dwarf which will eventually cool to a black dwarf over billions of years. (This is not to be confused with a brown dwarf which is a slightly less than a stars sized object that never will never have the temperature to fuse hydrogen.There are currently none or very few black dwarfs present because the universe is not yet old enough for white dwarfs to have cooled.This is the simplest correct answer I could give. If you are in first years of highschool or below you might want to write it all down because the likely hood of you teacher actually knowing the right answer is slim. More than likely they will assume a star moves straight from a red giant to white dwarf.Unfortunately you can get answers marked wrong because of their stupidity.

What objects is most massive a red giant a white dwarf or the Sun?

I don't think it's mass that defines those states. Whatever its mass, a star livesmost of its life on the main sequence like the Sun, swells to red gianthood in itsold age like Betelgeuse, and dies as a white dwarf like Sirius-B.They could certainly be arranged in the order of their density, however:least dense . . . red giantin the middle . . the Sunmost dense. . . white dwarf

Related questions

What is the sequence of a stars life?

A star starts as a blue giant, then becomes a yellow dwarf. It will then swell into a red giant. Then, at the end of it's life, it becomes a super giant and explodes. The remains are usually a red dwarf, which brightens and becomes a white dwarf. The white dwarf fades and becomes a black dwarf which turns to dust. Sometimes after a supernova it turns into a pulsar, which rotates 300-1,000 times a minute and makes giant rhythmic pulses that stretch for light years.

How can a star having 5 times the suns mass end as a white dwarf?

It is true that a white dwarf above about 1.4 solar masses cannot exist. When a star dies, most of the mass does not become part of the remnant. A star 5 times the mass of the sun will shed most of its mass during the red giant phase. Only the innermost portion will collapse to form a white dwarf.

How does a small or dwarf star form?

A dwarf star could form in different ways depending on what kind. Red dwarfs and brown dwarfs are formed when nebula compresses into a giant burning ball of gas, just like most stars do; white dwarfs are formed after a star became a red giant and blown off its outer layers, the remaining core became a white dwarf; black dwarfs are formed after white dwarfs cooled down and stopped emitting visible light.

How does the surface temperature of a white dwarfs compareto a white main sequence star?

No, white dwarfs are cooler than supergiants, they also have a lower luminosity (are more faint). A different viewpoint: There's obviously a range of temperatures for these stars, but the hottest (surface temperature) known star is in fact a white dwarf. It has a surface temperature of over 200,000 degrees Celsius.

How does a star turn into a white dwarf star?

A star becomes a white dwarf star at the end of its life cycle when it exhausts its nuclear fuel and can no longer support fusion reactions in its core. The star will then shed its outer layers, leaving behind a hot and dense core supported by electron degeneracy pressure. Over time, the white dwarf will cool and fade into a black dwarf.

How do the lives of the most massive stars end?

Massive stars end their lives in violent explosions known as supernovae. Depending on their mass, they may turn into neutron stars or black holes after the explosion. This process releases a tremendous amount of energy and heavy elements into space.

What is the color of old stars?

Red (giant, supergiant or dwarf), Blue (supergiant), white (dwarf), blueish white/gamma-ray (neutron star) or produce no light at all (black hole).

Do star grow bigger as they come older?

Most stars (including our own sun) as they grow older, eventually cool, expanding into a red-giant. After a period of time as a red-giant, they shrink to a hugely dense but very small white dwarf.

Is bellatrix a dwarf or giant?

Bellatrix is a giant. In general most stars with "names" (as opposed to designations) are NOT dwarfs, with a few notable exceptions such as Proxima.

What can cause a white dwarf to reignite?

A white dwarf can reignite if it accretes material from a companion star in a binary system, causing a runaway nuclear fusion reaction. This can result in a thermonuclear explosion known as a Type Ia supernova.

What is the stage after red giant for a low or medium mass star?

White dwarf is the most common answer if you are thinking of the red giant as the entire time a star swells to more than its main sequence size.However, the stages of a star actually occur in this order.After a medium mass star reaches red giant phase (second brightest phase), its core contracts until it becomes so dense helium begins to fuse into carbon (helium flash) at which point the star enters its second burning phase, known as the horizontal branch (slightly less bright than red giant).This is the second longest phase of the star (if not considering dwarf phases which are not really stars, they are more like cooling coals after a fire).Hydrogen to Helium reactions still occur in layers surrounding the core. When the star's store of Helium is consumed, it begins what is called the asymptotic giant branch (brightest/largest phase) where it again swells in size before pushing its otter layers off to form a planetary nebula.Eventually this nebula floats away leaving the cooling carbon core known as a white dwarf which will eventually cool to a black dwarf over billions of years. (This is not to be confused with a brown dwarf which is a slightly less than a stars sized object that never will never have the temperature to fuse hydrogen.There are currently none or very few black dwarfs present because the universe is not yet old enough for white dwarfs to have cooled.This is the simplest correct answer I could give. If you are in first years of highschool or below you might want to write it all down because the likely hood of you teacher actually knowing the right answer is slim. More than likely they will assume a star moves straight from a red giant to white dwarf.Unfortunately you can get answers marked wrong because of their stupidity.

What objects is most massive a red giant a white dwarf or the Sun?

I don't think it's mass that defines those states. Whatever its mass, a star livesmost of its life on the main sequence like the Sun, swells to red gianthood in itsold age like Betelgeuse, and dies as a white dwarf like Sirius-B.They could certainly be arranged in the order of their density, however:least dense . . . red giantin the middle . . the Sunmost dense. . . white dwarf