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== Underwater volcanoes are formed at 'hot spots' in the Earth's mantle, as in the Hawaiian Island chain, or in deep sea trenches, where oceanic crust is subducting under oceanic crust, melting when it reaches the mantle, then erupting as a volcano.

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10y ago

Most of the time, underwater volcanoes are created due to a subduction zone. A subduction zone is where two convergent plates come together and the denser one ends up being slid underneath the other plate. Because of this, as the denser plates gets closer and closer to the mantle, the crust starts to melt, creating magma. This magma floats up and creates volcanoes, under and above the water.

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14y ago

An underwater volcano forms lava underwater.

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13y ago

Underwater volcanoes form islands.

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Q: Where does magma form underwater volcanoes?
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What causes underwater volcanoes?

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Underwater volcanoes

How do under water volcanoes explode?

When tectonic plates meet underwater. They crash into eachother and the magma underneath comes out and an underwater volcano starts.

Is forming underwater mountains and volcanoes convergent divergent or transform?

Underwater volcanoes and mountains can form at both convergent and divergent boundaries.

At what kind of plate boundary do most underwater volcanoes occur?

Most underwater volcanoes occur at divergent plate boundaries, where tectonic plates move away from each other, allowing magma to rise up and form new crust. This process creates underwater mountain ranges known as mid-ocean ridges.

What are Underwater volcanoes called?

Underwater volcanoes are called seamounts or submarine volcanoes. They are formed by volcanic activity beneath the ocean's surface.

Why does magma aften form at the boundary between separating tectonic plates?

It is because volcanoes form by two tectonic plates which when both collide and they form volcanoes which a magma rock forms when it explodes.

Will the sea drain away in an underwater volcanic eruption?

No, because as the magma rises from underwater volcanoes it heats the water causing it to rise. The magma then solidifies. Therefore when the volcano is active it is always heating the water around it. When the magma stops flowing then the volcano will solidify.

Volcanoes that form along mid-ocean ridges occur at?

Volcanoes that form along mid-ocean ridges occur at divergent tectonic plate boundaries, where two plates are moving away from each other. Magma rises to the surface through the cracks created by the diverging plates, resulting in the formation of underwater volcanoes.

What are subglacial volcanoes?

Subglacial volcanoes are volcanoes that form beneath glaciers or ice sheets. When magma rises to the surface and comes into contact with ice, it can lead to explosive interactions that result in the formation of subglacial volcanic features like tuyas, subglacial ridges, and hyaloclastite ridges.

Why are there no volcanoes in chelmsford?

There are no volcanoes in chelmsford because it isn't on the edge of a technonic plate so the magma can't escape to form volcanoes.