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Q: Where does it have a lot of trees with a ocean and the weather is tropical?
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Is there a lot of trees in the tropical dry forest?

Of Course! All forest have a lot of trees in them. If not, they aren't forests!

Are there a lot of trees and plants in tropical rain forests?

Yes, there is lots of vegitation.

Why do macaws live in the tropical rainforest?

Because they like to live in trees and theres a lot and they like a lot of food there.

Why is the tropical region of South Atlantic free of Tropical revolving storm?

The southern Atlantic Ocean gets a lot of wind shear, which can prevent tropical cyclones from forming.

Why can cocoa trees only grow in tropical areas?

Because( well dont put because in the the beggining part of your sentance but, They only grow in Tropical countries because thats were it usaully rains :)

What is Vietnam's weather like?

Vietnam's weather is a tropical kind of climate so I guess it would be sunny and rainy a lot I don't think it snows there though.

What are the main three weather zones?

What Kind Of Zones There Are A lot OF Zones: Climate Zones: Polar, Tropical, Temperature Ocean Zones: The surface mixed zone, transition zone, and deep zone. But, the pyncnocline and thermocline are also phases of them. And there is the intertidal zone, the neritic zone, and the open-ocean zone.

What do they drink in the Caribbean?

watch the weather No Do Not Watch The Weather... Pray To The Sky....

Why do chimps live in tropical rainforest?

because it has just right of rain fall and a lot of trees and food and just right temp.

What type of climate exists in Guatemala?

A tropical, humid type of climate. It has warm weather for most of the year and it rains a lot as well

Why do oceans have great impact on the weather over the continents?

Oceans store a lot of heat and moisture, which can affect the temperature and precipitation patterns on nearby continents when air masses move over them. The temperature difference between the ocean and land can create wind patterns that influence weather systems. Additionally, oceans can also generate large-scale weather phenomena like tropical cyclones that can impact nearby continents.

What sort of plant life or animal life exist in Mexico?

Palm trees and tropical plants in general. There are also a lot of snakes, monkeys, and small mammals.