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Helium is often supplied in compressed gas cylinders. It is available in smaller sizes from "party supply stores" for filling balloons, and in larger tanks for uses in welding, in science and in industry. We also see helium supplied as a refrigerated liquid -- a cryogenic substance. Industrial gas suppliers have helium available in both forms.

The primary source of helium is as a byproduct of natural gas recovery, mostly in the United States. Much of the natural gas the U.S. gets from domestic wells is "rich" in helium, and this inert or noble gas is recovered through a distillation process and is vended separately. It is through the radioactive decay of heavy elements deep within the earth's crust that helium comes to be in the natural gas deposits in the first place. As an interesting but related side note, most helium is stored in unused mines that have been sealed and converted into helium storage facilities. A link can be found below for more information.

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4d ago

Helium gas is primarily produced through the natural radioactive decay of uranium and thorium in the Earth's crust. It slowly accumulates in underground deposits of natural gas, where it can be extracted as a byproduct of natural gas processing.

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13y ago

Most Helium was formed (along with Hydrogen) as a result of the 'big bang'. This is first generation Helium, second generation Helium is formed by stars like our Sun as they fuse Hydrogen in their cores to produce Helium.

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14y ago

We believe that out of the energy field that resulted from the Big Bang, matter condensed from the energy field, in accordance with Einstein's "e=mc^2" formula which states that mass and energy are equivalent and convertible. About 98% of the mass became hydrogen, and perhaps 2% helium and a bare trace of lithium and other elements.

Most of the mass in the universe, we believe, is still hydrogen. When hydrogen-rich gas clouds condense to form stars, the nuclear fusion converts hydrogen into helium. During the last stages of a star's life, the helium fuses into carbon and oxygen and other heavier elements, and during the moment of a star's death in a supernova explosion, heavier elements such as iron are fused together into very heavy elements such as gold, lead, uranium, and others.

This is an important point; EVERY ATOM HEAVIER THAN CARBON HAS ALREADY BEEN INVOLVED IN A SUPERNOVA EXPLOSION. The iron atoms in your blood and the copper atoms in your pennies were created in a supernova explosion over 5 billion years ago.

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11y ago

Helium was first discovered in the sun. The word helium, comes from the Greek word, Helios, meaning the sun

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11y ago

Helium is a natural chemical element; the sources are stellar nucleosynthesis, nuclear fusion, radioactive disintegration.

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10y ago

Helium is a byproduct of methane extraction.

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The abbreviation for gas helium is He.

Does helium make gas?

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helium is a gas

Is a helium balloon solid or gas?

Gas. Helium is a gas.

Is helium a example of gas?

Yes. Helium is a gas

What is helium coloured gas?

Helium is a colourless gas

Is helium gas a form of fire?

No. Helium gas is just a gas. It is not flammable.

What is the classifation of helium?

It is a nonmetal, noble gas.

Is helium an odourless gas?

yes. helium is an odourless gas.

What is the unit of helium gas?

Litre or cubic meter for helium as a gas; litres for helium as a liquid.

What are you if you are gas with two protons in your nucleus?

If you are a gas with two protons in your nucleus, you are helium. Helium is a noble gas known for being lightweight and non-reactive.

What is the state of matter at room temperature of helium?

Helium is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and non-toxic gas at room temperature. It exists as a monatomic noble gas and is therefore inert and unreactive. It belongs to group 0 of the Periodic Table of Elements.