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5 recognized group of natural plant hormones & growth regulators

1)Auxins :-lengthening of the internodes and

influence the developing embryo in seed

2)Gibberellins :- stimulates cell division,cell elongation & control

enzyme secretion.

3)Cytokinins :-promotes cell division.

4)Ethylene :-this is a gas for senescing ripening fruits,germinating

seeds,wounding or bruising.

5) Abscisic acid:-for dormancy period in perennial flowers and shrubs.

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13y ago
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2mo ago

Growth in roots occurs at the root tip, specifically in the region known as the root apical meristem. This area is responsible for producing new cells through cell division, allowing the root to extend and grow deeper into the soil. The process of growth in roots is crucial for nutrient uptake, anchoring the plant, and overall plant development.

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10y ago

Growth in plants occurs in the meristems. Meristematic cells are undifferentiated and exist in the dermis of the leaves, stem, and roots. They give rise to various organs of the plant and keep the plant growing.

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10y ago

Growth occurs in plants at the roots, stem, and leaves. You will know if the plant is growing because it will get bigger.

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7y ago

only in localized areas

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Q: Where does growth occur in the root?
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Where does most of a root's growth occur?

Most of a root's growth occurs at the root tips where new cells are continuously dividing and elongating. This allows the root to explore the soil for water and nutrients efficiently.

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Abnormal secondary growth in Tinospora root can occur due to various factors such as infection by pathogens like fungi or bacteria, hormonal imbalances, genetic mutations, or environmental stress conditions like fluctuations in temperature or water availability. These factors can disrupt the normal growth patterns and lead to the formation of abnormal tissues or structures in the root.

Where does new root growth take place?

New root growth takes place at the tip of the root, also known as the root tip or root apex. This area is where cell division and elongation occur, allowing the roots to grow longer and explore more soil for water and nutrients.

Do roots have nodes?

Yes, roots have nodes where lateral roots emerge. These nodes are where new growth can occur, expanding the root system of the plant.

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Primary growth is when the stem or root of a plant gets lengthens, and secondary growth is when the stem/root gets thicker.

What is the effect of auxin on root called?

The effect of auxin on root growth is called root initiation or root elongation. Auxin promotes cell division and cell elongation in the root, leading to increased root growth.

Where does plant root growth weathering happen?

Plant root growth and weathering typically occur in the soil layer surrounding the roots. As roots grow and expand, they can exert pressure on the soil particles, leading to physical weathering such as root wedging. This process can contribute to the breakdown of rocks and minerals in the soil.

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The hair follicle surrounds the root of the hair. If the follicle becomes damaged, it may not support the growth of hair, and a tiny bald spot will occur.

What is growth tissue that remains just behind the root tip?

The root cap is the growth tissue that remains just behind the root tip. It protects the delicate meristem as the root pushes through soil and aids in root growth by secreting lubricating substances.

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The root word of "occurrence" is "occur."

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What part of the plant absorbs minerals salts?

The roots of the plant absorb mineral salts from the soil. Root hairs and root cells help in the absorption of water and nutrients, including mineral salts which are essential for the plant's growth and development.