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Glucose produced in the chloroplasts moves into the cytoplasm of plant cells. From there, it can be used for various metabolic processes or stored as starch in the chloroplasts or other cellular compartments for later use.

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Q: Where does glucose go when it moves out of the choloroplast?
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What does a choloroplast do in a plant cell?

They are the sites of photosynthesis.They produce glucose for cell.

What do choloroplast do?

It produces glucose using CO2 and water.Process is called photosynthesis.It also conuct photorespiration and produce some enzymes

What does the choloroplast do for a cell?

Chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis. It produces glucose using CO2 and water.It also conuct photorespiration and produce some enzymes

What are the job of choloroplast?

The job of choloroplast iis to use sunlight to produce food.:)

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people die get over it!

What does a choloroplast do for a cell?

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