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Except for wires made from a special "superconducting" material, all normal wires (copper, aluminum, steel, etc.) have some electrical resistance. So a certain amount of power will always have to be used to overcome the resistance of all the wires in a power grid, including wiring in the many Transformers, switches, etc. which are needed to distribute the power efficiently. Any power used to overcome the resistance of the wires is dissipated as heat which raises the temperature of the wires, their surrounding insulation (if any) and - in the case of overhead cables - any surrounding air. In the case of an underground or underwater cable which has a cooling fluid such as mineral oil (which is a good conductor of heat yet is also a good electrical insulator) the heat gets dissipated into the cooling fluid which is pumped continuously to allow the heat to be radiated to the air (or to water in, perhaps, a resevoir) using a radiator assembly positioned away from the cable itself. If the question is not actually asking about power used to overcome the resistance of the wires, then it may be asking something like: "Does the power being generated in power stations ever exceed the total power load being taken by the houses, factories, etc. connected to the grid and by the grid's connecting wires, transformers and switches?" Basically, the answer to that question is No, because, at all times, the net power output being generated at any instant by all the power stations feeding a distribution grid must always be exactly equal to the sum of all the power being demanded by all the loads connected to that grid PLUS the sum of all the power used to overcome the resistance of the grid's wires. However, there are two things other than power which do change continuously over any given period of time: the supply voltage and the supply frequency. That must be so because a power generator set cannot accelerate or decelerate instantly! Such power generator sets are usually massive alternators driven either by steam turbines (fueled by coal-burning boilers or nuclear power), diesel engines or by water wheels (driven by water falling from a high dam), all of which have very heavy rotating masses that require a finite time to speed up or to slow down. During such periods the supply frequency must be allowed to speed up or to slow down within set limits and the delivered voltage also must be allowed to vary, again within set limits. Before computer-based grid power control systems were invented the only way that the power output of power stations could be matched to consumers' total power demand was by human "power grid operators" who had to carefully monitor and anticipate total power demand rising or falling throughout the course of each day. They had to anticipate likely major changes in demand - such as when a football match ends or a commercial advertisement break occurs on television and all viewers switch on their ovens and kettles en masse - so that extra power generation sets could be brought on-line (or taken off) as necessary. Such action is essential to keep the grid's supply frequency and voltage within the limits as specified by the grid's operating standards. Nowadays computer-based grid power control systems do most of that work, but human operators are still needed to "keep a close eye on things" to be sure the grid is operating efficiently. Such good control of a grid cannot be assumed to take place all over the world. In developing countries and those where there is an ongoing conflict situation (= war) it is common for reliable power grid control to be very difficult at best or non-existent at worst. People living in such countries have to suffer erratic losses of electric power with or without warning. Consequently, in such circumstances, vital public facilities such as hospitals have to operate their own private generator sets to cope with periods when the public electricity supply grid is "down". (That applies to hospitals, etc. in developed countries too.)

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4mo ago

When a person switches off a plug, the flow of electricity stops and the circuit is broken. This means that the electricity no longer flows into the device or appliance that was connected to the plug. The electricity essentially stays within the grid or circuit until it is redirected to another source that requires power.

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14y ago

The short answer is - nowhere. No circuit exists, so electricity cannot flow.


The above is correct, however the POTENTIAL remains at the plug for a circuit to be formed.

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13y ago

If there is no load connected to the output there is no electron flow so the generator will be idle and there is actually no current flow until a load is connected to the output.

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Why do electrical machines need switches?

Electrical machines often require switches to control the flow of electricity, allowing the machine to be turned on and off. Switches also enable the machine's functionality to be adjusted, such as changing speed or direction in the case of a motor. Additionally, switches provide a safety mechanism by disconnecting power in case of emergencies or maintenance.

What job does a switch do in a circuit?

A switch in a circuit controls the flow of electricity by opening or closing the circuit. When the switch is closed, it allows electricity to flow through the circuit, and when it is open, it stops the flow of electricity. Switches are commonly used to turn devices on and off.

Why do people want switches on mechanisms that use electricity?

Switches allow people to control when and if electricity flows through a mechanism. This gives them the ability to turn devices on and off, thus conserving energy and ensuring safety from potential hazards. Switches also enable users to easily operate and manage electronic devices or appliances.

How do you keep safe from electricity?

Don't Put Water On Wires,Plugs ect... when plugging in a plug turn off all the power from that source.

What will happen if the two switches connected to light up a single bulb are on?

It is dependant on whether the switches are in wired in a parallel or series configuration. If the switches are wires in parallel then both switches would have to be off to turn the light bulb off. Either switch could turn the light bulb on. If the switches are wired in series then both switches would have to be on to turn the light bulb on. Either switch could turn the light bulb off.

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Why is it a good thing when a circuit breaker switches off?

Means there is an overload on electricity

Are switches used to make sure the electricity is always working?

No, switches are devices used to control the flow of electricity by making or breaking a circuit. They allow us to turn lights or electrical appliances on and off. They do not ensure a constant supply of electricity.

How do you encourage people to save electricity?

To encourage people to save electricity, put reminders on light switches. This will help them to remember to turn it off as they leave the room.

What property makes semimetals useful as switches to turn a small elecric current on the off?

The property that makes semi-metals useful as "switches" is that their varying ability to conduct electricity.

What property makes semi-metals useful as switches to turn a small electric current on and off?

The property that makes semi metals useful as "switches" is that their varying ability to conduct electricity.

Why should you always make sure that the switch is turned off before you plug in a piece of electrical equipment?

If the switch is on, it will be expecting electricity, so when you plug it in, you will see the electricity, in a way, grabbing onto the cord.

How do off switches work?

Off and on switches connect to a current. An on switch allows the current to run through an object, essentially "turning it on". Off switches cut of this current.

Why do electrical machines need switches?

Electrical machines often require switches to control the flow of electricity, allowing the machine to be turned on and off. Switches also enable the machine's functionality to be adjusted, such as changing speed or direction in the case of a motor. Additionally, switches provide a safety mechanism by disconnecting power in case of emergencies or maintenance.

How do on off switches work?

Well............the switch is attached to a metal clasp. So when the switch is switched, the two metal paths join and creates an electricity circuit!How Cool!

What job does a switch do in a circuit?

A switch in a circuit controls the flow of electricity by opening or closing the circuit. When the switch is closed, it allows electricity to flow through the circuit, and when it is open, it stops the flow of electricity. Switches are commonly used to turn devices on and off.

Why do people want switches on mechanisms that use electricity?

Switches allow people to control when and if electricity flows through a mechanism. This gives them the ability to turn devices on and off, thus conserving energy and ensuring safety from potential hazards. Switches also enable users to easily operate and manage electronic devices or appliances.

What are the function of electronic parts of the tv?

Screen-To give off light. Speakers-To give off sound Remote control-To give off messages Remote Sensor-To sense the remote controls messages Cable-To pass through electricity to the television Plug-To receive electricity.