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Medium- to coarse-grained, mica-bearing metamorphic rock with well-developed foliation (layered structure) termed schistosity. Schist is derived primarily from fine-grained, mica-bearing rocks such as shales and slates. The schistosity is formed by rotation, recrystallization, and new growth of mica; it is deformational in origin. The planar to wavy foliation is defined by the strong preferred orientation of platy minerals, primarily muscovite, biotite, and chlorite. The relatively large grain size of these minerals (up to centimeters) produces the characteristic strong reflection when light shines on the rock.

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4mo ago

Schist rocks typically form through the metamorphism of shale or volcanic rocks under high temperature and pressure conditions deep within the Earth's crust. This process causes the minerals within the original rock to recrystallize, giving schist its foliated texture and distinct layering.

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13y ago

The schist rock is usually formed under great heat and pressure.

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What kind of rock is schist rock?

Schist is a metamorphic rock.

What is the rock category of schist?

A schist is a metamorphic rock.

What is the location of schist?

Schist is a form of metamorphic rock in which a sedimentary rock has been subjected to heat and pressure. These change agents will alter the structure of the rock, and will allow / cause the minerals in the rock to change and aggregate. Schist is a very common rock type, but does need the parent rock to have undergone metamorphism.

How do rocks form in earth?

it is formed from aouther rock called schist

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Gneiss could eventually form from granite or from schist.

What rock group does Schist belong in?

A schist rock belongs in the metamorphic rock group.

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Does schist rock bubble when with hydrochloric acid?

No, schist rock does not bubble when in contact with hydrochloric acid because schist is a metamorphic rock composed of minerals like mica, chlorite, and quartz that do not react with acids to produce gas bubbles. Schist is typically more resistant to chemical weathering compared to other rock types like limestone or marble.

What is a flaky form of metamorphic rock?

A flaky form of metamorphic rock is schist. It is characterized by its medium to coarse-grained texture and its ability to be split into thin flakes or layers due to the alignment of mineral grains, such as mica. Schist often exhibits a foliated structure, with layers of different minerals visible to the naked eye.

Does schist contain diamond?

No, schist is a metamorphic rock type.

Is a schist rock a crystal?

No Schist is not a crystal, but it is composed of minerals.

What is a metamorphic rock that has changed form from heat and pressure?

Schist and marble would be common examples.