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Q: Where does Chloroplasts or Cytoplasm in plant cells capture energy using a pigment called chlorophyll?
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Is chlorophyll the same as cytoplasm?

No, chlorophyll is a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plant cells that is involved in photosynthesis. Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance that fills the cell and surrounds the organelles. They have distinct roles within a cell.

What part of the cell is the chlorphyll located?

Chlorophyll is located within the chloroplasts of plant cells. These green pigment molecules are responsible for capturing light energy for photosynthesis.

What are cellular organellese that contain the pigment chlorophyll?

The pigment chlorophyll is contained in chloroplasts.

Where is chlorophyll from?

Chlorophyll is the green pigment inside of chloroplasts.

What is the pigment called in the chloroplasts?

There are several pigments.Main pigment is chlorophyll.

What in the pigment is found in chloroplasts?

It is the chlorophyll. It is the primary pigment

The green pigment in the chloroplasts is called what?

The green pigment in the chloroplast is called chlorophyll.

Are chloroplasts and chlorophyll?

chlorophyll is a pigment. it is in the chloroplast.

What cellular strucutures enable a leaf to capture energy from the sun?

chloroplasts. more specifically, the pigment chlorophyll which absorbs red light.

What is the name of the green pigment in the chloroplasts?

We call it chlorophyll. It is a green pigment.

The pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants is?


A green pigment that traps energy?

The pigment chlorophyll that is located in the chloroplasts.