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there are more than 2. but naming 2 of them:

indo-autralian plate

pacific plate

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4mo ago

Two tectonic plates can be found at divergent boundaries, where they move apart; convergent boundaries, where they come together; and transform boundaries, where they slide past each other. Examples include the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (divergent boundary), the Himalayas (convergent boundary), and the San Andreas Fault (transform boundary).

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Q: Where do you find two tectonic plates?
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What are the two types of tectonic?

The two types of tectonic plates are continental and oceanic.

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Tectonic plates.

What are the two types of plates?

The two types of tectonic plates are continental and oceanic.

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Bali is located on two tectonic plates, the Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. These plates interact along the Sunda Megathrust, which can result in seismic activity in the region.

What is a subducation zone?

A subduction zone is a place that occurs between two tectonic plates. It is the site where these tectonic plates have collided.

Which layer do you find the tectonic plates?

The crust or lithosphere.

What are tectonic plates and plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates are plates underneath the ground we stand on that help to form the structure of the earth, when two tectonic plates colide they create terrains such as mountains. they have also been known to cause some Tsunami's.

What do you call overlapping portions of two continents?

Overlapping portions of two continents are known as continental plates or tectonic plates. These plates can collide, separate, or slide past each other due to the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates.

What were boundaries?

Boundaries are where two tectonic plates meet.

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Is Mt Eyjafjallajokull on 1 or 2 tectonic plates?

Eyjafjallajökull is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is the boundary between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates. So technically, it is on the divide between two tectonic plates.