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Q: Where do we humans get the carbon that we need to build our bodies?
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What is the importance of the carbon and nitrogen cycle to ecosystem?

They provide materials organisms need to build their bodies.

Why do organism need carbon and oxygen?

Because organisms bodies take in either oxygen of carbon d. into their bodies and through photosynthesis the make sugar and carbon d./oxygen

What does humans need to release oxygen to survive?

Humans need to inhale oxygen to survive. Our bodies then use that oxygen to produce energy through a process called cellular respiration, releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. The oxygen we inhale is crucial for this energy production process.

How does a rabbit get carbon it needs?

Plants need carbon as well. So, when rabbits eat plants they get the carbon inside the plants into their bodies!

Do all humans need proteins to build cells and tissue?

yes they do, humans need all sorts of protien ect.

Importance of carbon?

Carbon is important to humans believe it or not...trees need carbon dioxide to survive and they emit oxygen which we need to survive...connect the dots

Does photosynthesis need carbon dioxide?

yesIt is the source of carbon. They are used to build glucose molecules

What type of gas that plants need to make food?

Carbon Dioxide is needed for plants to make food.

Why do plants cows and humans make carbon dioxide?

Plants, cows, and humans produce carbon dioxide as a byproduct of cellular respiration, where glucose is broken down to release energy. In plants, carbon dioxide is also released during photosynthesis when glucose is produced. Cows and humans exhale carbon dioxide as a waste product of metabolism.

How do earth systems interact in the carbon cycle?

They provide materials organisms need to build their bodies.

What raw materials do plants need to build sugar molecules?

Plants need carbon dioxide from the air, water from the soil, and sunlight to build sugar molecules through the process of photosynthesis. These raw materials are used to produce glucose, which is then stored or used as energy for the plant's growth and development.

Where do humans get the carbon dioxide you need to live?

Humans produce carbon dioxide as a waste product when they exhale. The carbon dioxide is a byproduct of cellular respiration, the process in which cells break down glucose to produce energy.