

Where do potatoes grow from?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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12y ago

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they grow in the ground

The potato grows from a tuber that is one of the previous years potatoes.

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12y ago
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1mo ago

Potatoes grow from the root systems of potato plants, which are starchy tubers that develop underground. The plant produces tubers as a way to store energy for growth and reproduction.

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14y ago

Potatos are not "made". They are a natural plant.

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12y ago

Originally, from South America.

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Can you grow potatoes in Northeast Indiana?

Yes, you can grow potatoes in Northeast Indiana. Potatoes grow best in loose, well-drained soil and prefer cooler temperatures, making them well-suited to the climate in Northeast Indiana. Be sure to plant them in early spring and harvest them when the plants start to flower for the best results.

Are beans made out of potatoes?

No, beans and potatoes are two different types of vegetables. Beans are seeds that grow in pods on plants, while potatoes are tubers that grow underground on the roots of the potato plant. Both beans and potatoes are nutritious and delicious additions to a balanced diet.

Potatoes plants produce flowersfruits and seeds.Yetthey never grow from seeds.Why?

Potatoes are primarily grown from tubers, not seeds. This is because potato seeds do not grow true to type, meaning they do not retain the characteristics of the parent plant. Instead, potato farmers use tubers for propagation to ensure consistent size, quality, and taste in the harvested crop.

Do potatoes need pollination?

No, potatoes do not require pollination. They are grown from seed potatoes, which are pieces of a mature potato that contain the necessary genetic material for new plants to grow. Potatoes reproduce asexually through this method rather than relying on pollination for seed production.

What are some examples of opportunity?

If a gardener decides to grow carrots, and she could sell these for 50 dollars at the end of the season, and her next best option was to grow potatoes which sold for 60 dollars, the opportunity cost would be the 10 dollars she lost from not growing potatoes.

Related questions

Do potatoes grow on the moon?

No potatoes need dirt to grow

Do potatoes grow on plants?

Potatoes are plants. They do not grow on other plants.

Do potatoes grow in orchards?

No. Grapes grow in a vineyard.

How much sun goes potatoes need to grow?

potatoes need about 67% of sun to grow

Does potatoes grow in water or over water?

Potatoes are a root and grow best in moist soil.

Does potatoes grow from potato trees roots?

no, they grow from tiny baby potatoes from the previous year

What happens when you grow sweet potatoes next to other plants?

What happens when you grow sweet potatoes next other plants? What happens when you grow sweet potatoes next other plants?

What are the structures that grow on the potatoes and gingers?

There structures that help to grow new plants, like potatoes and ginger.

How many potatoes can you grow with 2kg of seed potatoes?


What types of vegetation do the Inuits grow?

the inuit people grow potatoes, carrots and peas

Do potatoes grow in Cleveland?


Can potatoes grow in bags?

No. They grow underground. They are a tuber.