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Q: Where do pollen tubes develop to transport the male sperm cells to the female egg cells in the ovary?
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Where do pollen tubes developed to transport the male sperm cells to the female egg cells in the ovary?

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What role do the pollen tube play in fertilization?

Pollen tubes transport the male gametes (sperm cells) from the pollen grain to the ovule for fertilization. The pollen tube delivers the sperm cells to the female reproductive structure, allowing the male gametes to reach the egg cell and fertilize it.

What is the function of pollen cells?

It is the sperm of plants.The pollen cells goes to the female reproductive part of the plants through the wind,insects etc. It goes inside makes seeds the seeds mature they make new plants.

In a flower the female sex cells or eggs are produced by the?

Female sex cells or eggs in a flower are produced by the ovules, which are located in the ovary of the flower. The ovules contain the female gametes which, when fertilized by male gametes from pollen, develop into seeds.

What does a pollen cell do as its job?

it is to eat a sandwich

What do plants use pollen for?

Plants use pollen for reproduction by transferring male sex cells (sperm) to the female reproductive organs of flowers. Pollen grains contain the male gametes, which fertilize the female egg cells to produce seeds and ultimately new plants.

Does pollen grain make the male sex cells of a flower?

Yes, pollen grains contain the male sex cells of a flower. These male sex cells are called sperm cells and are involved in fertilizing the female sex cells of the plant for reproduction.

What can pollen do?

Pollen is a fine powder produced by plants for fertilization. It is a vital part of the plant reproduction process as it carries male reproductive cells to female reproductive organs, resulting in seed production. However, for some people, pollen can also trigger allergies and respiratory reactions.

Are pollen and ovules gametes?

No, pollen and ovules are not gametes. Pollen is a male reproductive structure that contains sperm cells, while ovules are female reproductive structures that contain egg cells. Gametes are the actual sperm and egg cells involved in sexual reproduction.

What are pollens?

Pollen is the powderlike male spores that develop into two male sex cells

What are the male and female reproductive cells in a plant?

The male reproductive cell in a plant is the pollen, contained in the anther of the flower. The female reproductive cell is the ovule, contained in the ovary of the flower.

Which flower carries the seeds male or female?

Flowers can carry both male and female reproductive parts. The male part is called the stamen, which produces pollen containing sperm cells, while the female part is called the pistil, which contains the ovary where seeds develop after pollination.