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They occur in all different places in the world. Some places are more prone to earthquakes, like Haiti, which recently suffered a big earthquake that killed and injured many. There was a hurricane in Kent, England in 1989! :)

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14y ago
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3w ago

Natural disasters mostly occur in regions that are more prone to certain weather phenomena, such as hurricanes in coastal regions, earthquakes along fault lines, and tornadoes in tornado alley. These events can happen worldwide but are more common in areas with specific environmental conditions that favor their occurrence.

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12y ago

Natural disasters occur everywhere in the world with a degree of equality. To be seen as serious the disaster requires a human population living in the are which is impacted.The type of disasters in any given area is skewed somewhat:

  1. adverse weather occurs everywhere Tornadoes and cyclonic storms are prevalent in the middle of North America and on coasts
  2. earthquakes occur wherever tectonic plates are colliding
  3. volcanoes are a problem where active volcanoes exist
  4. tsunamis require a nearly ocean
  5. droughts require extensive landmasses
  6. avalanches require mountains
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12y ago
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14y ago

Yeah they happen every where mostly in usa and Russia like every 5 seconds a disaster happens its so cool man i love natural disasters

rock on dude

not really every 5 sec

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9y ago

There is no given location. Different natural disasters have different causes, and so will occur in different regions.

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13y ago

Over the past few years, natural disasters, especially earthquakes, have occured in Sichaun, China; Haiti; Chile; and northeast Japan.

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12y ago

they can happen anywhere. The conditions just have to be right like warm waters along the gulf coast is a likley spot for hurricanes.

-Meliya Leavitt

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10y ago

Usually they occur on the surface or just below the surface. There's no region on earth where they don't occur from time to time.

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Q: Where do natural disasters mostly occur?
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What are the two types of disasters?

The two types of disasters are natural disasters, which include events like hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods that occur as a result of natural processes, and man-made disasters, which are caused by human actions or technologies, such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, or nuclear incidents.

What are natural diasasters mostly caused by?

Natural disasters are mostly caused by geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), meteorological events (hurricanes, tornadoes, floods), and climatological events (droughts, wildfires). These events occur due to the natural processes of the Earth's systems and can be exacerbated by human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization in vulnerable areas.

What natural disasters happen in Oregon?

Natural disasters that can occur in Oregon include earthquakes, wildfires, landslides, and flooding. Oregon is also at risk for tsunamis along the coastline due to its proximity to the Cascadia subduction zone. Volcanic activity from the Cascade Range is another potential hazard in the state.

Can natural disasters occur at once?

Yes, multiple natural disasters can occur simultaneously in different locations. For instance, earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires can happen concurrently in various parts of the world. It is possible for different types of natural disasters to strike at the same time due to the Earth's dynamic and unpredictable nature.

What disasters occur inn Asia and the pacific?

The most common natural disasters in south and east Asia and the Pacific include earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and volcanic eruptions.

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What natural disasters occur in Toronto?

Toronto can experience natural disasters such as severe winter storms, heavy rainfall causing flooding, and occasional tornadoes. While these events are relatively rare, the city does have emergency response plans in place to address them.

Where did the disasters in the 1930's mostly occur?

It mostly occured in the Great Plains states.

What natural disasters has happened in the last 20 years?

There have been many natural disasters to occur over the last 20 years. Some of the natural disasters were earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and tsunamis.

What is a universal term for natural disasters that occur in the ocean?

a cyclone

Which country of china do natural disasters occur in?

China is in itself a country; by extension, natural disasters cannot occur in a country of a country. If you mean what part of China experiences natural disasters, they are experienced in virtually every part of China, just as in any other part of the world.

What natural disasters target the nation of Bangledesh?

To be technical, a natural disaster is not sentient and therefore cannot "target" any one or any thing.That said, some natural disasters that might be common in Bangladesh or that might occur there would be:EarthquakeDroughtVolcanic eruptionTidal waveTsunamiFloodDiseaseHurricaneOther natural disasters may also occur there, but these would be the most likely types of natural disasters of note to be encountered there.

What natural disasters can occur in tauranga?

devontae did de use Mary

Which country of china do natural disasters occur?

China is a country, and there are no countries in it.

Why do natural disasters frequenly occur in Nepal?

because it is on a fault line

Do natural disasters occur more during a total eclipse?
