

Where do mantees live?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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14y ago

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Manatees live in the West Africa,Amazon basin and also in the Noth America's southern regions.

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1mo ago

Manatees typically inhabit warm, shallow coastal waters, estuaries, and rivers in tropical and subtropical regions. They can be found in areas such as the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and along the coast of West Africa. Manatees require access to both fresh and saltwater to survive.

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How are mantees useful?

they eat sharks

Does mantees in the ocean likes to eat seaweed?

Of course

What kind of defenses does the mantees use?

It swim fast as it can

Are mantees extinct?

No, the population of manatees in Florida is believed to be between 1,000 and 3,000.

Why are mantee endangered?

becasue people on buts dont watch the signes and they run over the mantees

How much do West Indian Manatees cost?

Mantees are on the endangered animals list and are facing extinction. You nor anyone else is allowed to buy or sell them.

How many mantees are currently alive?

one kind of manatee the stellar sea cow, is already extinct there are only about 2000 Florida manatees left around our state many live in the St.Johns river manatees have babies once every five years and with how little the manatees survival chances are there aren't many babies being born.

When were mantees discovered?

Manatees have been known to humans for thousands of years, with early sightings dating back to ancient civilizations. However, the scientific discovery and classification of manatees occurred in the 18th century, with the species being formally described in the mid-1700s.

What are some environmental issues of the ocean?

Endangered marine species include the mantees, seals, sealions, turtels, and whales. Drift net fishing is killing dolphins, albatrosses, and other sea birds, (petrels, ausks), hastening the dedine of fish stocks and contributing to international diputes

How do sea cow move?

The sea cow or Manatee moves very slowly though the water. The main form of locomotion is the slow undulation of its flat tail. The manatee will also walk long the sea bed with is front flippers as it grazes.

Where is the best place to see manatees in July?

The South Florida Museum in Bradenton, Florida, has the oldest captive manatee, Snooty, who's birthday in July. Born July 21st, 1948, Snooty will be celebrating his 62nd birthday July 17th, 2010. He is usually hosting a couple of wild mantees brought in for rehabiltation. Join him in the celebration.

When was Live Live Live Extra created?

Live Live Live Extra was created on 1995-12-31.