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When cells divide, the DNA in the original cell contains...chemicals, I that tells the new cell to form a mitochondria There is actually an organelle that has the materials to make the new organelle, I can't remember the name. I'll tell you if I find out.

The endosymbiotic relationship of mitochondria with their host cells was popularized by Lynn Margulis.[40] The endosymbiotic hypothesis suggests that mitochondria descended from bacteria that some how survived indisposes by another cell, and became incorporated into the cytoplasm. The ability of these bacteria to conduct respiration in host cells that had relied on glycols and fermentation would have provided a considerable evolutionary advantage. In a similar manner, host cells with symbiotic bacteria capable of photosynthesis would also have had an advantage. The incorporation of symbioses would have increased the number of environments in which the cells could survive. This symbiotic relationship probably developed 1.7[41]-2[42] billion years ago.

The circular structure of mitochondrial DNA is also found in prokaryotes and the similarity is extended by the fact that mitochondrial DNA is organized with a variant genetic code similar to that of Proteobacteria.[36] This suggests that their ancestor, the so-called proto-mitochondrion, was a member of the Proteobacteria.[36] In particular, the proto-mitochondrion was probably related to the rickettsia.[37] However, the exact relationship of the ancestor of mitochondria to the alpha-proteobacteria and whether the mitochondria was formed at the same time or after the nucleus, remains controversial.[38] Answer Mitochondria are found in the egg cell in humans and at the rear of the sperm cell. The mitochondria in the sperm cell do not normally pass into the zygote, so all your mitochondria are from your mother's egg cell and are copies of her mitochondria. As mitochondrial inheritance is matrilinear it is possible to construct genological trees based on the mutation rates of the DNA found in the mitochondria. Mitochondria posses DNA and a plasma membrane suggesting they were once bacterial like cells which became engulfed by eukaryotic cells. Some single celled organisms engulf bacteria and break them down with digestive enzymes as a method of feeding, some present day human immune cells can engulf bacteria. Cells that had engulfed bacteria which were capable of aerobic respiration would have been at a significant advantage to those under going anaerobic respiration as a great deal more ATP is produced. These cells would have been able to grow and divide at a greater rate and quickly attempted their rivals in all but anaerobic respiration. This would have had to have happened sometime after O2 availability on the Earth was increased due to photosynthesis, suggested dates are around 2 billion years ago or more recently. Over time the engulfed bacteria lost the DNA they needed to live independently of their host cells and became specialised in helping the host cell by producing ATP molecules.

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15y ago
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12y ago

They do not get put into the cells. Mitochondria ad chloroplasts grow within cells after they are created through mitosis or meiosis. The organelles develop within them.

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10y ago

They are evolved from aerobic bacteria.Endosymbiotic theory describes it.

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11y ago

Humans get their mitochondria when their cells divide. A person first comes from a sperm and an egg each carrying mitochondria. When the embryo divides each cell has a set of mitochondria.

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10y ago

It is evolved by aerobic bacteria.Endosymbotic theory describe it.

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10y ago

They were originated from bacteria.Symbiotic living turned them into mitochondria.

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9y ago

It produces energy for the cell.

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Do cells need mitochondria?

Most cells do. Multicellular organisms like humans need to create abundant amount of ATP, a feat that can only achieved with the help of mitochondria.

Is a mitochondria cell found on a plant or animal?

It is found in the sperm cell which means it an animal cell as us humans are animals.

Is ATP an organelle?

No, ATP (adenosine-5-triphosphate) is a nucleotide, a molecule used by cells to transport chemical energy. In humans, the mitochondria produce ATP. The mitochondria are among many cellular organelles.

How much mitochondrial DNA do humans inherit from their fathers?

Humans inherit essentially all of their mitochondrial DNA from their mothers, as paternal mitochondria do not typically contribute to the offspring's genetic makeup. Mitochondria are only passed down through the maternal line because the mitochondria in the sperm are usually degraded after fertilization.

In humans is the nucleus the only compartment organelle that contains DNA?

No, the mitochondria also has its own DNA.

How do you Use the following words in a sentence oxygen ATP breathing and mitochondria?

By breathing oxygen, humans create more ATP so that their mitochondria do not fail.

Where would you find the genetic material in a cell?

A cells nucleus, mitochondria or a chloroplast may contain the DNA.

Do human cells have mitochondria?

Yes, human cells have mitochondria. Mitochondria are often described as the powerhouse of the cell because they are responsible for producing the energy currency of the cell, called ATP, through a process called cellular respiration.

What do all humans have in commons?

DNA, Nucleus, Mitochondria, Endoplasmic Reticulum, Ribosome, Cell wall, Golgi Complex