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Q: Where do free water molecules move toward?
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What motion do molecules move when in cold water?

does molecules move in cold water

How does water move in evaporation?

Water molecules at the surface of a body of water gain enough energy from the environment to break free from the liquid phase and become water vapor. These water vapor molecules rise into the atmosphere, contributing to evaporation.

What happens to water molecules when they are heated?

When water molecules are heated, they gain kinetic energy, causing them to move faster and vibrate more. As a result, water molecules break their hydrogen bonds and transition from a liquid to a gaseous state, becoming water vapor.

Which do molecules move faster-hot or cold water?

Molecules move faster when hot water then in cold. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the atoms. Molecules move faster in hot water because the heat is giving the molecules more energy. Molecules move slower in cold water because heat has/gives energy and when something is cold it has very little heat. So there is very little energy. So there is very little movement. I have a science quiz tommorrow, and this was VERY helpful. :D

What causes water molecules to move when an egg is placed vinegar?

egg has more water molecules than vinegar so when egg is placed in vinegar water molecules move from the egg to the vinegar due to osmosis,which is defined as "the movement of water molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration thru a partially permeable membrane" there fore the water molecules move inward. The proof is that the egg got larger and this was because water moved into the egg after the shell disintegrated from the 5% of acid in the vinegar. (the other 95% is water)

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What motion do molecules move when in cold water?

does molecules move in cold water

What is statements about ice melting?

Water molecules move from their fixed positions

How do water molecules move in water?

Water molecules in water move by constantly vibrating and rotating due to thermal energy. They also move in a random fashion called Brownian motion, which is the result of collisions with other water molecules and particles in the water. The movement of water molecules is essential for processes like diffusion and convection to occur in water.

How does wind move through water to the shore?

Wind pushes against the surface of the water, creating friction and transferring its energy to the water. This energy causes the water molecules to move and transmit the motion to neighboring molecules, generating a ripple effect known as surface waves. These surface waves then travel toward the shore, carrying the energy of the wind with them.

Do molecules move faster in room temperature water?

Yes, molecules move faster in room temperature water compared to colder water. This is because warmer temperatures provide more thermal energy to the molecules, causing them to move and vibrate more rapidly.

How do water molecules dissolves a salt?

The water molecules move around the salt ions In water, the salt separates into positive and negative ions.

Which molecules are totally free to move around?

Molecules in the gaseous state are totally free to move around due to the weak intermolecular forces present in gases. This allows individual molecules to move independently and in random directions.

How does water move in evaporation?

Water molecules at the surface of a body of water gain enough energy from the environment to break free from the liquid phase and become water vapor. These water vapor molecules rise into the atmosphere, contributing to evaporation.

What molecules move across during osmosis?

Water molecules are the primary molecules that move across during osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration across a selectively permeable membrane.

What is the process in which water molecules move away from each other to become whater vapor?

The process in which water molecules move away from each other to become water vapor is called evaporation. It occurs when heat energy is added to liquid water, causing the water molecules to gain enough kinetic energy to break free from the liquid and become a gas.

Can balloons hold more water or air?

Water. Because water molecules do not move around to much. How ever air molecules move a lot.

In what state of matter transition do water molecules move the least?

Water molecules move the least in the solid state of matter, where they are tightly packed and have limited freedom of movement.