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The name came from the combination of the words "fast" and "retail," emphasizing the speedy delivery aspect of the business. The arrow in the logo pointing from "A" to "Z" represents the wide selection of products available on the platform.

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Q: Where did the name and symbol come from?
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No, it comes from the Latin name, ferrum.

Where is the name and symbol came from?

The name and symbol for an element come from different sources. The name can be derived from various things like the discoverer, a place, a mythological character, etc. The symbol is usually derived from the element's name in Latin or another language.

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The symbol for chlorine, Cl, originates from its Latin name "chlorum." The symbol was proposed by chemist Humphry Davy in the early 19th century.

From what word does the chemical symbol for gold come?

The Latin name for gold is aurum (glowing dawn). Thus, it has the symbol Au.

Where do the symbols of the metals come from?

The symbols of the metals come from their Latin names. For example, iron's symbol Fe comes from its Latin name "ferrum". Similarly, gold's symbol Au comes from its Latin name "aurum".

Where does the name NaCl come from?

NaCl is the formula unit of sodium chloride; Na is the chemical symbol of sodium and Cl is the chemical symbol of chlorine.

Why does k is a symbol of patassium?

The chemical symbol for potassium is K because it is derived from its Latin name "kalium." This Latin name was chosen as the basis for the symbol due to historical and linguistic reasons.

What does the sybol for silver come from?

The chemical symbol for silver, Ag, comes from its Latin name "argentum." The symbol Ag is derived from the first two letters of argentum.