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The particles of helium are farthest apart in a balloon.

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Q: Where are the particles of helium farthest apart in a tank or in a balloon?
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Why can a small tank of helium gas fuel 700 balloons?

Because the particles of helium in the tank are farther apart than particles in the balloon

Why can small tank of helium gas fuel 700 balloons?

Because the particles of helium in the tank are farther apart than particles in the balloon

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In a longitudinal wave, the particles are farthest apart at the rarefaction region. Rarefaction is the region where the particles are spread out and have the lowest density compared to the rest of the wave.

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The particles in a compressional wave are spaced farthest apart at the rarefaction region, which corresponds to the trough of the wave where the pressure and density are lower than normal.

What happends if you leave a balloon in the sun?

When you leave a balloon in the sun, it pops. this is caused by the particles inside the balloon absorbing energy from the sun, speeding up, and spreading farther apart. When the particles move farther apart, the volume increases and causes the balloon to pop.

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it is located where the air particles are farthest apart.

In which state of matter are the particles of matter farthest apart?

In the gas state, the particles of matter are farthest apart compared to the solid and liquid states. Gas particles are free to move and have higher kinetic energy, resulting in greater distances between them.

What part of a compressional wave are the particles spaced farthest part?

In a compressional wave, the particles are spaced farthest apart at the points of maximum rarefaction where the wave is at its trough. This is when the pressure is at its lowest and the particles are more spread out.

Why a helium weather balloon expands as it rises in the air. assume that the temperature remain constant.?

When the helium balloon starts gaining height, the pressure decreases and as the gas molecules are very freely movable (higher than the normal). They move apart from each other in the mean while they make the balloon to expand. The decrease in atmospheric pressure relative to pressure inside the balloon causes it to expand.

What two planets are farthest apart?

The two planets that are farthest apart in our solar system are Mercury and Neptune. At their farthest distance, they can be almost 3.7 billion miles (6 billion kilometers) apart.

Are particles a long way apart?

Particles are typically very small and exist close together within matter, while the space between particles is relatively large. In solids, particles are closely packed, in liquids they are more spread out, and in gases they are farthest apart. Compared to the size of particles, the distances between them are much larger.

Molecules are spaced farthest apart in?

Molecules are spaced farthest apart in the gaseous state because the particles have enough energy to move around and separate from each other. In a gas, the molecules are free to move in all directions and only come close together during collisions.