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Proteins are found at my friend Jake Moores house where i can find all the food i can dream of and f*$% his life up

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14y ago
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9y ago

Most proteins are produced in your liver. But then, each cell produces the proteins required by the same.

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Q: Where are the most proteins produced in a body?
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Nitrogen is produced when the body breaks down proteins for energy.

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How does your body know what enzymes to make?

Enzymes are proteins and all proteins are coded for and produced by the nucleus/ribosomes.

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Ammonia is a toxic byproduct produced when the body breaks down proteins and lipids. It is converted to urea in the liver and excreted in urine.

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Amino proteins are the most required proteins in the body. This is an example proteins sentence.

Is pepsin produced by the pancreas?

Pepsin is an enzyme whose responsibility it is to break down proteins in the body. Pepsin is not produced by the pancreas; it is produced by the stomach.

What organ is albumin produced?

Albumin is primarily produced in the liver. It is one of the most abundant proteins in the bloodstream and plays a key role in maintaining osmotic pressure and transporting various substances throughout the body.

Most proteins produced by the cell are functional in?

their quaternanry structure

What are small substances that are produced when proteins are digested called?

Small substances produced when proteins are digested are called amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are absorbed by the body to use in various biological functions.

What does the thyroid gland control?

It controls how quickly the body uses energy, how sensitive the body is to hormones, and how quickly proteins are produced.

Name the two enzymes that take part in digestion of proteins in your body?

The two enzymes that take part in the digestion of proteins in the body are pepsin, which is produced in the stomach, and trypsin, which is produced in the pancreas.