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2w ago

The extensor carpi muscles are found on the posterior side of the forearm. They are a group of muscles responsible for extending the wrist and moving the hand upward.

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Q: Where are the extensor carpi muscles found on the anterior or posterior side of the forearm?
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Where are the extensor carpi muscles located on the anterior or posterior sifde of the forearm?

The posterior side

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trunk and neck. In these regions, the flexor muscles are located anteriorly, while the extensor muscles are located posteriorly. This is important for maintaining posture and facilitating movement in these areas.

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Where are the muscles responsible for straightening out the fingers?

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Is the anterior thigh muscles called hamstrings?

No, the hamstring is posterior to the quadriceps.

Is the pectoralis major muscle anterior or posterior to the subscapularis muscles?

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Most extensor muscles are located?

posterior posterior

What muscles are in the tripod muscles?

The tripod muscles are made up of the lateral rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique muscles in the eye. These muscles work together to control eye movements and help maintain proper alignment and coordination.

Where are most flexor muscles located?

A flexor muscle is a muscle which bends or flexes a limb. Most flexor muscles are located on the anterior aspect of the body.

What muscles that move the forearm?

The main muscles that move the forearm are the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis on the anterior side, and the triceps brachii on the posterior side. These muscles work together to flex, extend, and rotate the forearm.