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The Prime Meridian is the imaginary line defined as zero longitude. It joins the

north and south poles and passes through England, Spain, France, Mali,

Burkina Faso, Togo, Ghana, and Antarctica. On its way through England, it

crosses a certain mark on the floor of a certain room at the Royal Observatory

in Greenwich, outside London.

The meridian of 180° longitude is exactly opposite the Prime Meridian and

together, they form a complete circle. That meridian also joins the north and

south pole, and passes through the Pacific Ocean for most of its length.

The International Dateline roughly follows the meridian of 180° longitude, but

departs from it with zigs and zags in several places, in order to avoid splitting

any single state, country, or island group into two different calendar dates.

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Q: Where are the Prime Meridian and the International Dateline?
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How many degrees longitude are there between the prime meridian and the international dateline?


Where would the prime meridian and international dateline be placed on a world map?

The prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude and passes through Greenwich, England. The international dateline is located at 180 degrees longitude and is opposite the prime meridian, roughly along the 180th meridian in the Pacific Ocean.

How many degrees from the greenwich meridian is the international dateline?

The Greenwhich meridian also Prime Meridian is 0 degrees longitude and International Date Line roughly follows the 180° longitude or antimeridian. The antimeridian is the meridian which is 180° east or west of the Prime Meridian.

Is the international date line known as meridans?

no the international dateline is 180 degrees, but the meridians; or prime meridian is 0 degrees.

Name of the lines running from the north to south pole?

Longitude. Prime meridian and international dateline are also included.

What is it closer to the prime meridian or international dateline?

I have a feeling that the meaning of "it" in this question is of paramount significance, and that if we but knew it, an answer would be possible.

What is the name of the meridian at 180 degress?

international dateline

What line of longitude would be 180 degrees away from the prime meridian?

The 180th meridian or antimeridian is the meridian which is 180° east or west of the Prime Meridian ... It is common to both east longitude and west longitude. It runs through the Pacific Ocean, and was the nominal guideline for the position of the International Dateline, although the dateline itself had to depart from the antimeridian in several places.

How many degree is the angle from prime meridian to international date line?

It varies, because the International Dateline doesn't follow a single meridian.There are several zigs and zags in it. But in the spirit of your question, theDateline is nominally directly opposite the Prime Meridian, at 180° longitude.

What is the area from the prime meridian to the international dateline called?

The area from the Prime Meridian to the International Date Line is called the Eastern Hemisphere.

What is the degree distance from the prime meridian west to the internatinatinal date line?

Large parts of the International Dateline coincide with the meridian of 180° longitude, but other parts deviate from it quite a bit. The meridian of 180° longitude is 180° from the Prime Meridian, both east and west.

Which country has forced the 3000 mile deviation of the Prime Meridian?

France historically played a significant role in the 3000 mile deviation of the Prime Meridian in favor of Greenwich, UK. This decision was made at the International Meridian Conference in 1884, where the majority of countries agreed on Greenwich as the Prime Meridian.