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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Supercomputers in Kenya are primarily used in research institutions, universities, and government agencies for various applications, such as weather forecasting, climate modeling, seismic analysis, medical research, and computational chemistry. These supercomputers contribute to advancing scientific research and innovation in the country.

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Kenya has a super highway... Its called thika super highway

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No the cost would be prohibitive. generally hospitals use networks of client computers and servers just like any other business. Super computers are usually the domain of large companies, research departments or the military.

How many computers are in Kenya?

As many as any nation can handle or wants

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FLoating point Operations Per Second (FLOPS)

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I think you mean Supercomputers not mainframes. If so then yes they do use Super Computers. The super computers are used to handle heavy traffic as well as other tasks such as Google Search or Gmail.

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pretty much all computers are multi-user. and there is no such thing as a "super computer"