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This is the part of the nervous system than controls skeletal muscle (and, so, voluntary movements).

Initiation of voluntary movement begins in the cortex of the brain, and involves:

1. Planning and initiation of movement: controlled by the prefrontal cortex, supplementary motor area, premotor cortex and basal ganglia.

2. The message of what you want to do is communicated to the motor cortex.

3. The motor cortex sends the actual nervous impulses to the muscles required to perform the action, as well as a copy to the cerebellum.

4. The Upper Motor Neurons (each neuron corresponds to a 'muscle unit' made up of varying number of muscle fibres) that carry this information travel down through the brainstem and spinal cord (primarily via the corticospinal tract, in the white matter) until they reach the spinal segment corresponding to the muscle(s) they innervate.

5. They synapse with the cell bodies of their corresponding Lower Motor Neurons in the grey matter of the spinal cord, then travel out through the ventral roots to their destination, where they stimulate the muscle fibres to contract.

Throughout muscle movement constant sensory feedback is sent back to the cerebellum, which makes constant adjustments to the movement (via the motor cortex). The cerebellum is responsible for co-ordination.

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10y ago

Motor neurons carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles or glands. In respons to impulses, muscles contract and glands secrete.
Motor neurons (not neutrons!) activate muscles to cause movement.

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15y ago

The Somatic part of the nervous system is that which controls voluntary movements, so therefore I suspect that a somatic motor neuron would be one which goes to a muscle, and is used voluntarily (unlike a reflex).

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4mo ago

Somatic motor neurons are found in the central nervous system, specifically in the spinal cord and brainstem. They are responsible for controlling voluntary muscle movements throughout the body.

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What structure is the effector for the somatic motor stimulation?

The effector for somatic motor stimulation is the skeletal muscle. Somatic motor neurons innervate these muscles, leading to voluntary movements. The motor unit, consisting of a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates, is responsible for muscle contraction in response to somatic motor stimulation.

Would damage to somatic motor neurons impair micturition?

Damage to somatic motor neurons would not impair micturition, as micturition is primarily controlled by autonomic motor neurons. Somatic motor neurons control voluntary muscle movements, while autonomic motor neurons control involuntary functions like bladder contractions during micturition.

What part of the brain coordinates complex somatic motor patterns?

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates complex somatic motor patterns by integrating sensory information and coordinating movement.

The somatic nervous system issues somatic motor commands that?

The somatic nervous system issues somatic motor commands that control voluntary muscle movements in the body. These commands are sent from the central nervous system to skeletal muscles, allowing for purposeful physical actions such as walking, reaching, and speaking.

When you flex your biceps you are calling on the somatic sensory portion of nervous system?

Flexing your biceps primarily involves the somatic motor portion of the nervous system, which controls voluntary muscle movements. The somatic sensory system is responsible for detecting sensations like touch or pain in the skin, muscles, and joints. So, while you may be aware of the sensation in your biceps when you flex them, the actual movement is driven by the somatic motor system.

Related questions

What structure is the effector for the somatic motor stimulation?

The effector for somatic motor stimulation is the skeletal muscle. Somatic motor neurons innervate these muscles, leading to voluntary movements. The motor unit, consisting of a motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates, is responsible for muscle contraction in response to somatic motor stimulation.

What type of nuerons conduct nerve impulses along an efferent pathway?

Motor neurons

Where is the somatic motor cortex?

The somatic motor cortex is located in the human brain. It can be found in the posterior portion of the frontal lobe.

What is the neurotransmitter in a somatic motor pathway?

The neurotransmitter in a somatic motor pathway is acetylcholine. It is released by motor neurons at the neuromuscular junction to stimulate muscle contraction.

Where are somatic motor neurons located?

in the CNS

Would damage to somatic motor neurons impair micturition?

Damage to somatic motor neurons would not impair micturition, as micturition is primarily controlled by autonomic motor neurons. Somatic motor neurons control voluntary muscle movements, while autonomic motor neurons control involuntary functions like bladder contractions during micturition.

What is the functional classification for voluntary nerves?

somatic motor

The neurotransmitter released by somatic motor neurons is?


The motor system is divided into which two systems?

somatic and autonomic

What part of the brain coordinates complex somatic motor patterns?

The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates complex somatic motor patterns by integrating sensory information and coordinating movement.

The somatic nervous system issues somatic motor commands that?

The somatic nervous system issues somatic motor commands that control voluntary muscle movements in the body. These commands are sent from the central nervous system to skeletal muscles, allowing for purposeful physical actions such as walking, reaching, and speaking.

Are smooth muscle reflexes somatic?

No, they are visceral and from the efferent or motor neurons.