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Q: Where are gametes implanted?
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What other name do call gametes?

They are the sex cells. They are haploid cells.

What is implanted defibrillator?

an electronic device to treat life-threatening heartbeat irregularities. It is surgically implanted.

What is an implanted defibrillator?

an electronic device to treat life-threatening heartbeat irregularities. It is surgically implanted.

Name the 2 human gametes and tell their chromosome number?

The human gametes are Male gametes are sperm and female gametes are eggs. And the gametes chromosome numbers are 42.

How many gametes do insects have?

Approximately 2,468,754.156247892 gametes

What is the sperm and egg cells is called?

Internal fertilisation.

What are female gametes called?

Female gametes are called eggs or ova.

Sperm and eggs are known as what?

Reproductive cells or gametes.

What does the scrotum have to do with gametes?

the scrotum contains the testes, which produce gametes

What is the relationship between meiosis and gametes?

The gametes are produced in meiosis.