

Where are earthquakes found-?

Updated: 11/4/2022
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10y ago

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Most earthquakes are found in or around the Ring of Fire located in the Pacific basin. The Ring of Fire is the site of mountain ranges, along with volcanoes and earthquakes. The Andes in South America, the Cascade Range of North America, and the Southern Alps of New Zealand are all associated with the Ring of Fire.

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12y ago

Earthquakes can happen anywhere. Mainly near two big constantly moving Tectonic Plates--like in California.

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Q: Where are earthquakes found-?
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Where most earthquakes where found?

most earthquakes are found around america

What do earthquakes outline?

Earthquakes outline the faults, pressures and stresses found in the bedrock in the epicentre.

Where are volcanoes and earthquakes found?

the ring of fire

What is a earthquake zone?

a place were earthquakes are found

Where are shallow earthquakes found?

Shallow earthquakes are typically found in the upper 70 kilometers of the Earth's crust, particularly along tectonic plate boundaries. These earthquakes are responsible for the most damage and are often associated with regions of high seismic activity, such as the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Would you expect many earthquakes to happen along the ring of fire?

Actually i found the answer. A lot of earths plates are found there and they rub against each other a causing earthquakes.

Where can volcanos or earthquakes be found?

Volcanoes and earthquakes can be found along tectonic plate boundaries, such as the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean where several plates meet. They can also occur in hotspots, like the Hawaiian Islands, where magma from deep within the Earth rises to the surface. Additionally, some volcanoes can be found along mid-ocean ridges, where tectonic plates are moving apart.

Where are earthquakes and volcanoes typically found?

Earthquakes and volcanoes are typically found along tectonic plate boundaries where the Earth's lithosphere is in motion. This includes areas like the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the Pacific Plate collides with other plates, and along mid-ocean ridges where plates are spreading apart.

Is magma found on earthquakes or volcanoes?

Magma is generally associated with volcanoes

4 At what type of plate boundary do you find most deep-focus earthquakes?

Deep-focus earthquakes are typically found at convergent plate boundaries, where one tectonic plate is being forced beneath another in a process known as subduction. These earthquakes occur deep within the Earth's mantle, usually at depths greater than 300 km.

Which country is known as country of earthquakes and volcanoes?

Earthquakes and volcanoes are usually found near plate boundaries.

What causes earthquakes at the edges of tectonic plates?

Earthquakes are mostly found at the edges of plates because that is the area of which the plates collide in different ways resulting in earthquakes and volcanoes.