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The gravitational pull affects it more or less uniformly. There are very, very slight differences caused by the height of the throw and the width of the ball but, compared to the distance from the centre of the earth, these distances are tiny and so have no effect.

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Q: When you throw a basketball up in the air where does the gravitational pull of Earth affect it the most?
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When you throw a basketball up in the air where does the gravitational pull of earth affect it most?

The gravitational pull of the earth is a tiny, tiny, tiny bit stronger at the lowest point of the basketball's path, because it's closest to the center of the Earth. But you would need ultra-high-precision instruments to detect the difference.

Does the weight of the basketball affect free throws?

yes, the weight of a basketball does affect free throws because while shooting a free throw you have a routine for every opportunity of shooting a free throw and if have a basketball that has different weight then your other basketball then you will end up short or long.

What is trash talking?

trash talking in basketball is when you throw insults at the opposing teams best player to throw them off their game, it's something you know will affect them.

Why does height affect your accuracy when you throw a basketball?

Height does not really affect the accuracy of your basketball throwing. However, tall people tend to underestimate the distance to the net and small people tend to overestimate the distance to the net.

Does air pressure in a basketball affect you free throw accuracy?

YES. It does affect your free throw accuracy. If the ball does not have enough air you will have to give the basketball more force. When more force is applied it will probably bounce off the rim. With more air you could give the ball more touch and your percent will go up.

Do players need more energy to throw or pass a basketball?

The players do not need energy to throw or pass a basketball

A throw that is worth 1 point in basketball is?

A free throw.

How much farther can you throw a ball on the moon compared to earth?

You can throw a ball much farther on the moon compared to Earth due to its weaker gravity, which is about one-sixth the strength of Earth's gravity. This means that objects on the moon experience less gravitational pull, allowing them to travel further when thrown.

Dose the way you thow a basketball affect the outcome?

Of course it does, if you throw it in perfect form and aim right for the basket, I would think it would go in.

What is loafing in basketball?

when you throw the basketball to a person a few inches or feet fron you

Why do you use a ball on basketball?

In basketball you try to throw the ball into the hoop(basket) so that is why you use a ball in basketball.

What do you call where you play basketball?

Basketball players.