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Most likely because the paint on it absorbs all visible wavelengths

in sunlight EXCEPT the yellow ones.

Note: The same principle applies if the yellow car is in a showroom,

on a highway, or in a junkyard, as well as in a parking lot.

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The yellow paint reflects mostly yellow light.

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Q: When you see a yellow car in a parking lot why do you see it as yellow?
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If someone hits your car in a parking lot and runs without leaving a note will your insurance premiums increase even though you are not at fault?

See if the place where you were hit at has cameras that survey the parking lot. Maybe you can see who hit you. Good luck and God Bless:)

Who is liable when car a leaving out of parking lot backs into car b that is behind car and car b has no insurance and no license?

Parking lot accident are the most awful claims to deal with. Unless you have witnesses or video of the accident. It is a case of he said/she said. Since all parking lot of private property, it is not a policy issue either. Most of these cases end up being a 50/50, 60/40, or 30/70 type of at fault claim. If you are ever involved in an accident in a parking lot, find witnesses and get their information! Also, check to see if there are cameras in the lot and get footage of the incident.

Can a car drive with the parking brake on?

CAN - usually, yes. Most parking brakes are a lot weaker than the driving brakes, as they are only meant to stop the car from rolling away by itself. To see what happens, look at the related question.

You were going toward the exit in a parking lot and a car from theright side did not yield to see if a car was coming and you crashed is it fair that you have to pay the whole accident even her car?

no its not,but its your word against the police!

What do you do when you see a yellow car?

Punch my boyfriend and yell "YELLOW CAR!"

Why do motorcycle need their only parking spot?

They don't 'need' their own parking spots, but it is nice when a building takes that into account when making the parking lot. You can fit three motorcycles into one car parking spot. So you tell me which you would rather see... one motorcycle taking up three full sized car spaces, or three motorcycles in one full sized car space?

It is icy and you slid into a car into a car in a parking lot and see no damage and leave is there weather rules?

Regardless of the weather conditions you have a responsibility to control your car. If your car is not equipped for conditions or your skills as a driver result in an accident you are considered at-fault.

What is Visible parking sensor?

What is Visible parking sensor? It the combine the traditional parking sensor and car camera system together set.The traditional parking sensor is only 4 or 6 or 8 pcs parking sensor, which driver can only heard about the "BI BI BI..." cautions during car parking or car reverse, the visible parking sensor, not not only hear the "BI BI BI..." cautions, but also can be see the back side,and can also see the distance change motion from the car monitor.What is include the one set of Visible parking sensor? First,need 4 pcs parking sensor( or 6,or 8,that is depends), sencond,with a "BI BI BI..."speaker,one control box ( this control box is different from the traditional parking sensor's,it is can be compatitable with the car camera and car monitor), one back up camera,or car monitor. After install the visible parking sensor, the driver can not only hear the sound,but also can view the distance change and what is at back side, it it helps a lot for car parking and car reverse.

Is it illegal to repossess a vehicle from a secured parking lot?

If the vehicle is behind a LOCKED, gated area, or in a garage, then yes, they (whoever is reposessing), can go to jail for trespassing. If the car is out in the open i.e. on a curb, in the driveway that's not gated, in a private parking lot (not gated), in a private parking deck, then they can and will repo the car, boat, anything that they have a court order to take for nonpayment. They can get anything that is out in the open. If they can see it, they will take it.

My car was hit while parked in the parking lot of my complex I didn't see it happen but a neighbor a unit down has matching damage to the opposite side of their car who do I take this up with?

File a police report

You nudged a parked car in the parking lot of a Fred Meyers and did not see damage to the other car or mine and you left the police came to your door and issued a ticket for hit and run will you go to?

What state is this in? In the state of California police offers cannot give tickets or write reports for accidents that happen in a parking lot. So I need to know the state you are talking about.