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During exercise/activity, the heart beats faster. The circulation speeds up. Muscles release toxins that the capillaries pick up. Veins transport waste back to the heart/lungs. The lungs speed up their action to help clear the blood faster and bring in more oxygen. The arteries expand with increased heart rate, pushing O2 back through the blood stream to muscles, etc. The kidneys are busy clearing toxins too. The skin responds with increased sweat. Sweating/physical body warmth prompts us to drink, replacing fluids to help circulating blood volume, and continued removal of waste. By drinking more and because the kidneys are working more, often we'll need to urinate, thus ridding our body of toxins. The muscles continue to demand glucose for energy; the pancreas responds under the demand.

Each of these systems interact seamlessly, without our conscious control (unless we have health conditions that make us more aware of potential problems).

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