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Mixing is not itself a chemical change. There could be one occurring as a result, but nothing you described indicated any kind of chemical change.
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Q: When you mix a pink powdered substance in water and mix it is that a chemical change?
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If a substance undergoes a chemical change, its properties change. For example, water, when heated turns into a gas which has a higher volume.

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Yes, a change that produces a new substance is considered a chemical change. This is because the chemical composition of the substances involved is altered, resulting in the formation of different molecules with unique properties.

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The change is a physical one because the powder is simply dissolving into the water, and it could be powdered again by removing the water again. The physical properties of the fruit punch are very different, but not a chemical change unless there is a new substance created or precipitated.

Does a physical change make the substance that undergoes it a different substance if not then what can change?

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Physical. If water evaporates, it is still water. It does not change into a different substance. A Chemical change is when something changes into a different substance. For example, when wood is burned, it changes into a different substance(ash).