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yes, that is correct, the potential energy is changed to kinetic or "motion" energy when you move up the rope.

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3w ago

When you climb a rope, you are converting potential energy (stored energy due to the height you are above the ground) into kinetic energy (energy of motion as you climb downward). Gravity is helping you in this process as it pulls you downward while you climb.

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Q: When you climb a rope you change potential energy onto kinetic energy?
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When you climb a rope you change what energy into what energy?

you change potential energy into kinetic energy.

What are the two types of energy you use as you climb a rope?

The two types of energy used as you climb a rope are potential energy and kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy that comes from being above the ground, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion as you climb up the rope.

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A climber transfers potential energy into kinetic energy as they climb. They convert food (chemical energy) into muscle work to overcome gravitational potential energy.

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The potential energy increases as you climb up the slide due to gravity pulling you downwards. This potential energy can then be converted into kinetic energy as you slide down the slide.

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When you go up a hill, you are converting potential energy into kinetic energy. As you climb higher, you store potential energy due to your increased height above the ground. This potential energy is then converted into kinetic energy as you descend the hill.

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The car is losing kinetic energy as it climbs the hill. This kinetic energy is being transferred into potential energy due to the increasing height gained during the climb.

What type of energy used to climb up a staircase?

Kinetic energy which is movement energy.

What energy transformations take place when someone climbs up a slide?

When someone climbs up a slide, the conversion of chemical energy from their food into kinetic energy allows them to move and climb. Additionally, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy as they gain height and then slide down. Frictional forces also convert some kinetic energy into heat energy during the process.

What is gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy an object has due to its position in a gravitational field. The higher an object is the greater its gravitational potential. When it falls the gravitational potential becomes kinetic energy. Energy stored in height differences ~APEX

How much energy is needed in Joules for a 90 kg woman was to climb a ladder 6 meters in height?

The energy needed to climb a ladder can be calculated using the formula: potential energy = mass x gravity x height. Plugging in the values for the woman's mass (90 kg), height (6 meters), and the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2), the energy required would be approximately 5294.2 Joules.