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Carbon Dioxide is release allowing work to be done.

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Q: When you burn a fuel what is released that allows work to be done?
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Is carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere when you burn fuel?

yes it is

What needs To burn fuel in rocket needs oxidizer which comes from an?

Oxidizer in rockets typically comes from liquid oxygen (LOX), which reacts with the fuel to produce combustion and generate thrust. This combination of fuel and oxidizer allows the rocket engines to burn efficiently in the vacuum of space.

What element allows gasoline to burn?

There are three things needed for fire. Fuel (gasoline), a spark and oxygen. So your answer is oxygen.

Is it a law that factories cant burn fuel?

no, everyone burns fuel by turning on the stove you burn fuel

What 2 substances are necessary for combustion to occur?

Two substances necessary for combustion to occur are fuel (such as wood, gas, or oil) and oxygen. The fuel provides the energy source, while oxygen acts as the oxidizer that allows the fuel to burn.

Does a rocket motor burn fuel without air?

Yes, rocket motors can burn fuel without the presence of air because they carry their own oxidizer, which provides the oxygen needed for combustion. This allows them to operate in the vacuum of space where there is no air.

How do injector pumps work to fuel a car?

An injection pump uses an injector to spray fuel directly past a glow plug and than into the combustion chamber of a vehicle. This allows the fuel to burn to a more complete degree increasing efficiency.

How can a rocket burn its fuel in space?

Rockets carry their own oxidizer to burn their fuel in space, as there is no oxygen available in space for combustion. The fuel and oxidizer react together in the rocket engine to produce thrust, allowing the rocket to move forward. This allows rockets to function in the vacuum of space where there is no atmospheric oxygen.

What is the hourly fuel burn rate for a 747-400?

the Hourly fuel burn rate varies depending on altitude, speed, and amount of fuel left. On average, it will burn 20,000 lbs of fuel per hour.

Does a vehicle burn more fuel with the air condition unit on?

A vehicle does not burn anymore fuel when operating with the air conditioner unit or off as it does not burn more fuel when operating with the heater on.

Why does a petrol engine have more power than a diesel engine?

A petrol engine revs higher, which allows it to burn more fuel and output more power.

What is the gas that causes fire?

Oxygen is the gas that supports combustion and allows fires to burn. It combines with a fuel source and heat to sustain a fire.