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Mercury will appear at duck in the Southern Hemisphere during late August 2014. The Northern Hemisphere would not have been able to see the planet at the beginning of the month because it was too close to the Sun to observe.

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In general, you can see Jupiter during most of the year. This year (2016), between August and October, Jupiter will be too close (referring to angular distance) to the Sun to be seen.When Jupiter is visible, it looks like an extremely bright star.

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Q: When will Jupiter be visible over the next twelve months?
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When is the next time you can see Jupiter from Hartford Connecticut?

Jupiter will next be visible in the evening sky in Hartford, Connecticut in late December 2021. It will be best seen in the southeast sky during the evening hours.

What is the star next to Venus?

The star next to Venus is most likely the planet Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter are two of the brightest objects in the night sky and are often visible close to each other. Jupiter will appear as a bright point of light that is usually larger and not twinkling like a star.

How the moons of Jupiter could be seen from Jupiter?

The four largest moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto) can be seen from Jupiter with the naked eye or through a telescope. They appear as bright points of light in the sky, moving in orbit around Jupiter. These moons are among the brightest objects in Jupiter's sky.

Can Jupiter been seen at night without a telescope?

If you are in the UK just look to the east of your location on any clear evening over the next two weeks, at about 10 degrees above the horizon, and the bright stationary object in the dark sky is the planet Jupiter, and with a decent pair of binoculars you can even see the four Galilean moons in orbit around Jupiter.

When will the five most visible planets be observable in the evening sky during the next 12 months in the year 2012?

The five most visible planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) will be observable in the evening sky throughout 2012. The visibility and positioning of these planets will vary throughout the year, but generally, you can expect to see them at various times during different months. It's recommended to use a star chart or a stargazing app to track the movements of these planets for better observation.

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Was the planet Jupiter discovered next after Saturn?

Jupiter nor Saturn were "discovered". They are visible with the naked eye and thus were known about since humans first looked up into the night sky.

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What planet is next to Jupiter?

The planet next to Jupiter is Saturn.

When is the next time you can see Jupiter from Hartford Connecticut?

Jupiter will next be visible in the evening sky in Hartford, Connecticut in late December 2021. It will be best seen in the southeast sky during the evening hours.

What are the two largest stars next to the moon?

The two brightest stars near the Moon are usually the planets Venus and Jupiter. Venus is often referred to as the "evening star" when it is visible after sunset, and Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

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Since there are only twelve months per year in the Gregorian calendar, the next such date is January 1st, 2101.

What two planets are next to Jupiter?

The two planets next to Jupiter are Saturn and Mars. Saturn is located immediately next to Jupiter, followed by Mars.

When are Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter and Saturn visible in the evening sky throughout the year?

It's complicated... If (say) Venus is visible in a certain month, that doesn't mean it will be visible the next year in the same month - since the movements of the other planets are not synchronized with Earth's movement.

What is the star next to Venus?

The star next to Venus is most likely the planet Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter are two of the brightest objects in the night sky and are often visible close to each other. Jupiter will appear as a bright point of light that is usually larger and not twinkling like a star.

How old you have to be to get a retainer?

24/7 except for eating and brushing for the first 12 months after braces and then every night for the next twelve months

How the moons of Jupiter could be seen from Jupiter?

The four largest moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto) can be seen from Jupiter with the naked eye or through a telescope. They appear as bright points of light in the sky, moving in orbit around Jupiter. These moons are among the brightest objects in Jupiter's sky.