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"ms" in this case is short for "meters per second". It means that sound advances that many meters every second.

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7y ago

that means if you are 332 meters away it takes one second for the sound wave to reach you

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7y ago

It means that if a sound is produced at a distance of 332 metres, it will be 1 second before you hear it.

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Q: When we say that the sound travels in air at a speed of 332ms what we meant that?
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Sound travels at different speeds depending on the medium through which it is traveling. Sound travels fastest through solids because the molecules in solids are closely packed and can transmit vibrations quickly. In liquids, sound travels at an intermediate speed, while in gases, sound travels slowest because the molecules are more spread out.

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Sound travels at 350 m/s at room temperature. At 21 C it travels at 343.6 m/s.

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Speed of sound travels in gases (like air), in liquids, and in solids. In air at 20 °C speed of sound travels with c = 343 m/s.

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No. Light travels much faster than sound.

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Sound is propagated as a mechanical wave. As with all waves it travels and so has a speed.

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