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its losing

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Q: When water turns from a liquid to a gas is it gaining or losing thermal energy?
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Is Freezing a Thermal Energy Added?

Freezing is the process where a substance changes from a liquid to a solid by extracting heat energy. So, freezing actually involves the removal of thermal energy from a substance rather than adding thermal energy.

What does a substance gain or lose when its temperature changes?

The density of the substance becomes higher because of the particles slow down and move closer together when the substance cools.

What definition occurs when particles in a gas lose enough energy to form a liquid?

The transition from a gas to a liquid phase by losing energy is called condensation. It happens when the thermal energy in the gas decreases to the point where the particles slow down and come together to form a liquid.

Change in speed what kind of form of energy is that?

when you decrease or increase speed you are losing or gaining kinetic energy respectively

What happens during melting evaporation and solidifaction?

During melting, a substance transitions from a solid to a liquid state as energy is added to break intermolecular bonds. Evaporation occurs when a liquid turns into a gas by gaining enough energy to overcome intermolecular forces. Solidification is the process where a liquid transforms into a solid by losing energy, causing particles to come together and form a crystalline structure.

When was Gaining Through Losing created?

Gaining Through Losing was created on 2001-07-04.

When a plane is landing it is gaining potential energy?

No, when a plane is landing, it is losing potential energy as it descends closer to the ground. This potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy as the plane's speed increases.

When a substance cools off what type of energy is it losing?

When a substance cools off, it is primarily losing thermal energy in the form of heat to its surroundings. The molecules inside the substance lose kinetic energy, resulting in a decrease in temperature.

Is water vapor gaining or losing energy durning evaportaion?

Water vapor will have more energy than the water. Mainly, this is a kind of potential energy, related to the molecular attractions.

Does potential increase or decrease when gas changes to liquid?

The potential energy of a substance decreases when it changes into a liquid. This is because it's losing the heat energy it had when in gas form to become liquid.

How can atoms with fewer than 8 valence electrons fill their outmost energy level?

They ca fill their outmost energy level by gaining or losing electrons.

What is the process of losing or gaining electrons to become stable?

Losing or gaining electrons is known as ionization, a process that occurs when an atom gains or loses electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. Atoms tend to lose or gain electrons to achieve a full outer shell, following the octet rule. This process forms ions, which are electrically charged particles.