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Q: When water lilies cover the pond surface with leaves the pond does not get as hot during the day.Explain why the pond does not get a hot?
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What kind of leaves do tiger lilies have?

Tiger lilies have long, narrow and iso-bilateral type of leaves with parallel venation. That is a typical monocotyledonous kind of leaves.

Do water lillies have thorns?

Water lilies do not have thorns. They have smooth, waxy leaves and delicate flowers that float on the water's surface.

Are pond lilies producers?

Various insects eat water lilies. Fish nibble on the leaves. Beaver and muskrat eat the stems and leaves.

What are phantom lilies?

Surprise lilies, resurrection lilies, phantom lilies, hurricane lilies and nekkid lady are the common names of a plant that has the leaves grow in the spring, and then the leaves die. In August the flower stalks appear. Lycoris sprengeri or Lycoris radiate are the Latin names depending on which plant you mean.

What is the difference between water lily and lotus?

Water lilies have round, flat leaves that float on the water's surface, while lotus plants have leaves that are more upright and held above the water. Additionally, water lilies bloom with flowers that float on the water, while lotus flowers are held above the water on tall stalks.

What do you call flowers that float on a pond?

could be water hyacinth Yes, water Hyacinth's do float on the water surface. Hyacinths have leaves that look like hippo ears. Water lilies also float on the water surface. They have flat leaves that fill the water surface and the flowers poke up among the leaves. Patti Rose

What adaptation would be most helpful to water lilies?

The adaptation that would be most helpful to water lilies is their ability to float on the water surface. This allows them to efficiently absorb sunlight for photosynthesis and exchange gases with the atmosphere. Additionally, their long stems enable them to anchor in the muddy bottoms of bodies of water, providing stability in varying water levels.

How is the water lily adapted to its habitat?

Two adaptive features of lotus- Lotus leaves are wide and disc-shaped, which allows them to float on water. Their generous surface area allows them to absorb a large amount of sunlight.

Are lily pads seeds?

No, lily pads are not seeds. They are actually the leaves of water lilies, aquatic plants that float on the surface of the water. Lily pads are a crucial part of the water lily's life cycle, providing a platform for the plant to grow and reproduce.

What plants have rough leaves?

okra,monggo,rosal,santan and santol

How do water lily survive in ponds?

because there is not enough sunlight to reach the plant so they cant photosynthesis

What do the leaves on ferns look like?

Leaves of aquatic plants are usually thick and fleshy. Some have a thick waxy coating on the surface of their leaves , eg. water lilies.