Kogama was first created in 2007 by a Brazilian developer called Multi Access Games.
When was made When in when. hehheheheh
cell made a group and made a tissue and tissue together and made a musle
Sugars are made by chloroplasts.Not made by vacuols.
pyrite is made of FeS2
It can be made from natural or man made fibres.
Wow yes, this is the best game in the world. It's better than Minecraft. Kogama is better than Roblox. Kogama vs roblox, kogama vs minecraft, Kogama WINS! www(dot)kogama(dot)com
Kogama is a game where you can do many things like breaking out prison or blue vs red
cuales son
In edit-mode you click "M" to bring up the menu. In the lower left side of the menu there's an icon that looks like a cloud. Simply click this and answer yes to the dialog that appears! NOTE: You can only publish your game if you are the owner of it. If you've been invited you're a member and cannot publish.
"Made of" and "Made from" can mean the same thing. "That can is made from aluminum." "That can is made of aluminum." However, they can't be used the same in every situation. You can say: "That house is made of wood and made from workers." But you can't say: "That house is made of workers and made from wood."
It was made it was made on the Internet
it is man-made and made out of ponies
He was made by the big bang
The Parthenon was made in Acropolis and Iktinos and Kallikrates made it.
The oceans are NATURAL made.(made my nature).A building, some lakes, are MAN made.(made by man).
it depends on thesentence if the sentence is something like this ... she made it. then you would put made but if your sentence is this... had she made it?