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Q: When was Kenya pharmacy and poisons board established?
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How do you need to register an ngo in kenya?

In Kenya, you need to register an NGO by first obtaining approval from the NGO Coordination Board. You must then submit a variety of documents, such as the organization's constitution, list of directors, and registration fee. Once approved, you will receive a Certificate of Registration as an NGO in Kenya.

Registered sat exam centre in Kenya?

SAT exam centers in Kenya include schools like St. Andrew's Turi and International School of Kenya. It's recommended to check the College Board website for the most updated list of test centers and their availability. Be sure to register early to secure your spot for the exam.

Helb- application forms- 2010 Kenya?

I do not have access to specific documents like HELB application forms from 2010 for Kenya. You may try checking the official website of Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) of Kenya or contact their office directly for assistance in obtaining the required forms.

What games do Kenya children play?

Kenya children play a variety of games, such as football (soccer), skipping rope, hide and seek, and traditional games like bao, which is a board game. They also enjoy playing tag and various outdoor games to stay active and entertained.

Why pngrb is a statoutory body?

PNGRB, or the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, is a statutory body in India as it was established under the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act of 2006. The main purpose of PNGRB is to regulate the refining, processing, storage, transportation, distribution, and marketing of petroleum, petroleum products, and natural gas. Being a statutory body means that PNGRB has certain legal powers and functions as defined by the Act that established it.

Related questions

What are the Codes of Conduct and Codes of Practice of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong?

The Codes of Conduct and Codes of Practice are issued by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to provide practical guidance in regards to the ordinance. They may appear in the form of standards, rules, codes, specifications, or any other document created by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board or other bodies.

Who is the Chairman of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong?

As of 22/11/2017, the Director of Health is the Chairman.

Who can the Disciplinary Committee of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board conduct an inquiry against?

The board can be appointed to conduct an inquiry against a registered pharmacist, a person employed by a registered pharmacist, an authorised seller of poisons, or an employer, officer, or partner of the authorised seller of poisons.

What happens if the premise of an authorised seller of poisons gets registered in Hong Kong?

An Authorised Seller of Poisons is a business with a registered pharmacists selling poisons in retail or a company or an unincoportaed body of persons with the actual sale of poisons being carried out by a registered pharmacist in a registered premises or under his supervision.

What must the Pharmacy and Poisons Board do when a Code of Conduct or Code of Practice is issued?

If this occurs, the Board must publish the identity of the code in the Gazette and mention the date on which the code becomes effective.

What factors are considered when an authorised seller of poisons applies to register its premises n Hong Kong?

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board needs to ensure that the authorised seller of persons is a fit and proper person to sell poisons in a retail manner. The Board also needs to check that the premise is suitable for such sales and will be controlled by a registered pharmacist. In addition, the Board needs to make sure that the poisons will actually be sold by the registered pharmacist or under his or her supervision.

What should the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong do if it establishes a new committee?

As of 22/11/2017, the Board should publish the establishment of a new committee in the Gazette and mention its intended purpose.

Can the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Hong Kong revise the Codes of Conduct or Codes of Practice?

Yes, this may be done every now and then. The entire code of parts of it may be revised.

Who is in charge of entering the name and addresses of qualified pharmacists into the register in Hong Kong?

As of 22/11/2017, a Secretary of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board is in charge of entering these information into the register.

Who can amend the particulars in the register of pharmacists in Hong Kong?

As of 22/11/2017, the Secretary of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board has the legal ability to do this as stated in Schedule 7 of Cap. 138.

When is a Certificate of Good Standing offered to pharmacists in Hong Kong?

A certificate of Good Standing may be issued by the Secretary of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board to any person who appears in the register of pharmacist.

When can the Disciplinary Committee of the Pharmacy and Poisons Board be appointed to conduct an inquiry in Hong Kong?

An inquiry will be conducted when the Pharmacy and Poisons Board receives a complaint against a registered pharmacist, his employees, an authorised seller of poisons or its employees, partners, or officers. This can also happen when a pharmacist violates the Code of Conduct or an authorised seller of poisons violates the Code of Practice. In addition, this can occur when the people or companies mentioned above is convicted of an offense under Cap. 132, Cap. 144, Cap. 137, Cap. 138, Cap. 231, or Cap. 362. Moreover, the Disciplinary Committee can hold an inquiry when it seems necessary to do so.