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None of Newton's theories has ever been 'proved' right, and none of them can

ever be proved. They're all "just theories". They just happen to do the best job

of explaining everything we see happening around us, and of predicting things

that we find to be true when we look for them, and they've been doing it for

more than 300 years. But if you come up with another theory tomorrow that

gives a simpler or more accurate explanation for what we see happening

around us, and makes more accurate predictions of things that we find to be

true when we look for them, then Physicists and Astronomers will toss Newton's

theories and adopt yours. Einstein, Feynman, Schwinger, Weinberg, and Hawking

have already started on that process, but Newton is still pretty safe when it

comes to describing our everyday experiences as human beings on earth.

That's how science works. The ball is in your court.

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Isaac newton's theory of gravity was first proposed in his book "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687. It was later confirmed and proven to be correct through experiments and observations by scientists like Robert Hooke and the observations of the motion of planets by astronomers such as Edmond Halley.

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