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He was born in 460 BC and died 370 BC.

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βˆ™ 9mo ago

Democritus was born around 460 BC in Abdera, Greece. He is known as one of the earliest proponents of atomism, the idea that all matter is made up of small, indivisible particles called atoms.

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Who was born first democritus or Aristotle?

Democritus was born before Aristotle. Democritus lived from around 460–370 BC, while Aristotle lived from 384–322 BC.

What was Democritus's nationality?

Democritus was a Greek philosopher, born in Abdera, Thrace, which is now part of modern-day Bulgaria.

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Democritus was a Greek philosopher born in adera Greek. he discovered the atom theory when he was a teacher. Democritus was born from 494 A.D. to 404 A.D.

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Democritus was born in Abdera, the leading Greek city on the northern coast of the Aegean Sea.

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Not much is known about Democritus' childhood, seeing that he was born somewhere around 460 BC.

What is Democritus and Aristotle country of origin?

Democritus was from Abdera, a city in ancient Greece. Aristotle was from Stagira, also located in ancient Greece.

What is Democritus best known for?

Democritus was born in Abdera, Thrace in Greece. He was an Ancient Greek philosopher who formulated an atomic theory for the universe. Some say Democritus is the "father of modern science".

What time frame did Democritus live in?

Democritus was born in Abdera, Thrace around 460 BC and died around 370 BC.

Who came first Democritus or Aristotle?

Democritus came before Aristotle. Democritus (c. 460-370 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher known for his formulation of atomic theory. Aristotle (384-322 BC) was a student of Plato who went on to become a renowned philosopher in his own right, but he came after Democritus in terms of historical chronology.

What was Democritus's first name?

Democritus's first name was Democritus.

What hospital was democritus born in?

Dude! Democritus was from like, 330 b.c...... They didn't exactly have hospitals in ancient ancient ANCIENT Greece, and we would have no way of knowing exactly.