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In the case of an occulting binary star system. You have two stars that orbit each other. When one star passes between the other star and the observer it blocks (or occults) the farther one thus decreasing the amount of light to the observer by the brilliance of the farther star. This only happen if both stars and the observer are so aligned to end up on the same straight line at some point.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Quite simply; some stars are larger than others, often many thousands of times. Also, the stars you see in the night sky are at varying distances from the Earth. Some are as close as 4.5 light years away and others are many thousands of light years away.

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14y ago

1). Some stars are brighter or dimmer than others.

2). Some stars are nearer or farther from earth than others.

So any given star can be bright and near, bright and far, dim and near, or dim and far.

It's kind of like the reason why some instruments in the band sound louder than others.

A piccolo has to be a lot nearer to you in order to sound as loud as a far-away Trumpet.

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14y ago

You can't tell from the information given in the question.

We know that a star appears dimmer and dimmer as it gets farther away. But we don't know

whether Star-A is far enough away to compensate for being brighter than Star-B.

In order to answer the question, we have to know

==> by how much is Star-A brighter than Star-B, and

==> how much farther away is it than Star-B ?

Then we're in a position to do some calculating.

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13y ago

Identical stars could have a different brightness if they have different distances from us.

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14y ago

The brighter star is closer. Astronomers use this idea to calculate how far away distant objects are.

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12y ago

That means the star that is further away also has a larger absolute (real) brightness.

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15y ago

because it's closer to earth.

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14y ago

Star B is closer.

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