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they don't. they just produce more offspring than the habitat they are allowed can support. all wild animals today were built over hundreds of thousands of years to produce enough to avoid extinction. a couple hundred years of spreading suburbs and citys isn't going to change their habits.

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14y ago

A population will continue to reproduce until the environment limits production. Even bacteria and virus' are bound to this rule, even to the extent of killing their environment for reproduction. As are humans, despite that fact that logically we could reason to how many people this world can support, who would dictate who lives and/or dies? If it were dictated would every human agree to it? Should they agree to it?

Nature is selfish, all things in nature exist to their own selfish good, even cooperation of organisms happens for selfish cause. By this fact a population will continue to produce more organisms until it is either limited by the environment or until the environment is destroyed.

This leaves us with the question: will humans reproduce to the point of killing our host, or will the host limit reproduction before that happens?

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11y ago

Overpopulation occurs when the number of organisms exceeds the total number the area can support.

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Does Jupiter have living organisms?

There is no evidence to suggest that Jupiter has any living organisms. Jupiter's extreme environment, characterized by high levels of radiation and harsh atmospheric conditions, make it highly unlikely to support any form of life as we know it.

Does water affect exothermic organisms?

Water can have a significant impact on exothermic organisms as it helps regulate their body temperature. By providing a medium for heat exchange, water helps these organisms prevent overheating or cooling down too much. Additionally, water is essential for various metabolic processes that support the functioning of exothermic organisms.

Is unicller microscopic-visible?

No, unicellular organisms are microscopic, meaning they are too small to be visible to the naked eye. They are made up of a single cell, unlike multicellular organisms which are made up of many cells.

What are two reasons why many organisms never become part of the fossil record?

Many organisms have soft bodies that decompose quickly after death, leaving no trace behind. Additionally, many organisms live in environments that are not conducive to fossilization, such as areas with high rates of erosion or volcanic activity.

What other forms of life do trees support?

Trees support a diverse range of life, including birds, insects, mammals, fungi, and various plants. Trees provide habitat, food, and shelter for many species, contributing to overall ecosystem health and biodiversity. Additionally, trees help create microclimates that can support a wide variety of organisms.

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Swim suits with underwire in the bust area add support as well as those that tie or hang around the neck.

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