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Q: When the voltage of a plasma membrane shifts from 35mV towards 0 mV we say the cell is?
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What Components of the cell membrane constantly shift the?

The entire cell membrane shifts. It has cholesterol molecules embedded in it to slow it down somewhat. This is called the fluid mosaic model.

What is the definition of cultural shifts?

Moving towards a different pattern of values, attitudes and behaviour

Does the colour of a galaxy reflect its distance away from the earth?

No, however, we can determine whether a galaxy is moving towards or away from us, by looking at the shift in its spectrographic analysis. There are "red shifts" and "blue shifts" in spectrographic results. "Blue shifts" indicate that a galaxy is moving towards us, because the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxy is compressed, causing it to shift to the blue end of the colour spectrum. "Red shifts" indicate that a galaxy is moving away from us, because the wavelength of the light emitted by the galaxy is being stretched towards the red end of the colour spectrum.

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At its simplest - it shifts weather patterns from the equatorial regions towards the poles.

What part of the spectrum does the spectrum of distant light shift to?

It is called red-shift. It shifts to the longer-wavelength, shorter-frequency direction. For example, visible light shifts towards the infra-red area of the spectrum.

What is the definition of backward reconstruction in language?

Backward Reconstruction is a techinique ued to track sound shifts back towards the original language

What will office technology be like in 20 years?

No one can see into the future, but technological shifts are towards touchscreen technology, instant communication, and integration.

What 2 types of shifts happen in the Doppler method?

Redshift and Blueshift. Redshift objects are moving away and blueshifted objects are moving towards us.

How do you check wives infidelity to their husband?

If they flirt/ check out others, work lots of "late shifts", you can check their emails/phones, and ic they are acting distant/ uninterested towards you.

How do you deal with a co-worker that refuses to acknowledge their extreme rudeness to customers and always shifts the blame towards the customers themselves?

Fire them. They don't have the consumer service spirit.

How can a guy know when a female been cheating on him?

If they flirt/ check out others, work lots of "late shifts", you can check their emails/phones, and if they are acting distant/ uninterested towards you.

When the absorption lines of a galaxy shifts toward the blue end of the spectrum it means that that the galaxy?

It means the heading towards us, red means it is moving away from us.