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Cloning... i just has this question on castle learning aha!

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1w ago

This process is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) or cloning. The resulting organism will have genetic material identical to the donor cell, essentially creating a clone of the original organism. Scientists have used SCNT in various species for research and reproductive purposes.

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9y ago

The somatic cell nucleus is removed from a body cell of one organism and is palced in an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed

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Q: When the nucleus is removed from a body cell of one organism and is placed in an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed is known as?
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What is the introduction of the nucleus from a body cell into an egg cell to generate an organism identical to the nucleus donor?

This process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). It involves transferring the nucleus of a body cell into an egg cell that has had its own nucleus removed. The resulting cell can develop into an organism identical to the nucleus donor.

What involves fusing a cell without a nucleus from an adult organism with a cell from another adult organism?

The process you are referring to is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also known as cloning. In SCNT, the nucleus of a somatic cell (cell without a nucleus) from one adult organism is transferred into an enucleated egg cell from another adult organism. This can be used for research purposes or to produce genetically identical organisms.

What process is used to create an exact genetic copy of an organism?

The process used to create an exact genetic copy of an organism is called cloning. In somatic cell nuclear transfer cloning, the nucleus of a somatic cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. This creates a genetic copy of the original organism.

What does before nucleus mean?

"Before nucleus" typically refers to the time period in a cell's history when it did not have a defined nucleus. This is known as the prokaryotic phase, where genetic material is not enclosed by a membrane-bound nucleus, as seen in organisms like bacteria.

What domain does a organism belong to with a unicellular and has a visible nucleus and seems to be ingesting captured food?

The organism belongs to the domain Eukarya. The presence of a visible nucleus indicates that it is a eukaryote. Its method of obtaining nutrients by ingesting captured food suggests it may be a protist, such as a protist known as a ciliate, which is a unicellular eukaryote with a visible nucleus that uses cilia to capture and ingest food particles.

Related questions

What involves fusing a cell without a nucleus from an adult organism with a cell from another adult organism?

The process you are referring to is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), also known as cloning. In SCNT, the nucleus of a somatic cell (cell without a nucleus) from one adult organism is transferred into an enucleated egg cell from another adult organism. This can be used for research purposes or to produce genetically identical organisms.

What would happen if the nuclear membrane was missing in a cell?

If the nuclear membrane were missing in a cell, the DNA within the nucleus would be unprotected and could become damaged or lost. This would lead to disruptions in important cellular functions such as DNA replication and gene expression. The cell would likely not be able to survive for long without a nuclear membrane.

What is a uniceller organism?

A unicellular organism is made up of a single cell, unlike multicellular organisms that are composed of many cells. Examples of unicellular organisms include bacteria, yeast, and some types of algae. These organisms can carry out all necessary functions for life within a single cell.

What does before nucleus mean?

"Before nucleus" typically refers to the time period in a cell's history when it did not have a defined nucleus. This is known as the prokaryotic phase, where genetic material is not enclosed by a membrane-bound nucleus, as seen in organisms like bacteria.

What are characteristics of the kingdom archaebacteria?

The archaebacteria is a unicellular organism without a nucleus. They are known to survive in extreme climates and environments. The first were discovered in 1977 in the boiling hot springs at Yellowstone National Park.

What is the introduction of the nucleus from a body cell into an egg cell to generate an organism identical to the nucleus donor?

This process is called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). It involves transferring the nucleus of a body cell into an egg cell that has had its own nucleus removed. The resulting cell can develop into an organism identical to the nucleus donor.

What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed?

Since the nucleus is known as "the brain of the cell", if it were removed, the cell would die almost instantly. The nucleus controls all of the cell organelles, whether it be the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoplasms, or even the nucleolus. So if the nucleus was removed, since it controls all of the organelles, the cell would die and so would the organism it is controlling.

What is the name for the elements that have been removed from period 7 and instead placed below the periodic table?

The elements that have been removed from period 7 and placed below the periodic table are called the "lanthanides" and "actinides". These elements are also known as the "rare earth elements" and they are placed separately to conserve space on the periodic table.

Microscopic single celled organism that has no defined memebrane bound nucleus would fit into which 2 kingdoms?

The microscopic single-celled organism without a defined membrane-bound nucleus would fit into the kingdoms Bacteria and Archaea. These organisms are known as prokaryotes and lack a true nucleus, making them distinct from eukaryotic organisms found in the kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.

The Bohr model of the atom which placed the electrons at definite distances from the nucleus is known as what?

The Bohr model of the atom, which placed electrons at specific energy levels around the nucleus, is known as the planetary model of the atom. In this model, electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed paths or "shells."

Which organelle is known as the brain of the cell?

Nucleus is known as the "brain" of the cell?

What does the amobea consist of?

Amoebas are single-celled organisms that consist of a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus. They have the ability to change shape by extending their cell membrane to form pseudopods, which they use for movement and capturing food particles.