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Q: When the nerve cell is stimulated what is it called?
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What happens when a nerve cell is stimulated by another nerve cell?

they go nerve to nerve till it gets to the brain first is a nerve then the dendrite then the brian

What is an excitable nerve cell that sends electrical signals?

A neuron is an excitable nerve cell that sends electrical signals when stimulated

How is a resting potential achieved in the nervous system?

The resting nerve cell is not being stimulated to send a nerve impulse

What stimualtes muscles?

Muscles are stimulated by signals from nerve cells called motor neurons

A nerve cell can also be called a(an) .?

A nerve cell cannot also be called a neuroglial cell. A neuroglial cell is a cell that has a primary function of supporting neurons.

What are the chemicals called that a nerve cell uses to communicate with another nerve cell or muscle cell?


What causes the electrical charge in the nerve?

The electrical charge in nerves is caused by the movement of ions, such as sodium and potassium, across the nerve cell membrane. This movement creates a difference in electrical charge between the inside and outside of the cell, known as the membrane potential. When a nerve is stimulated, this membrane potential changes, allowing for the transmission of electrical signals along the nerve cell.

Are nerve cells are also called neurotics?

No, nerve cells are not called neurotics. Nerve cells are also known as neurons, and they are responsible for transmitting electrical and chemical signals throughout the nervous system. Neurotics, on the other hand, is a term used in psychology to describe certain personality traits or disorders related to anxiety or obsessive behavior.

What is nocieptive pain?

Nociceptive pain occurs when pain-sensitive nerve endings called nociceptors are activated or stimulated

When a change in the environment that initiates the transmission of an electrochemical charge along a neuron is known as?

A momentary change in electrical potential on the surface of a cell, especially of a nerve or muscle cell, that occurs when it is stimulated, resulting in the transmission of an electrical impulse. &/or "nerve impulses" or "spikes".

The short branched nerve fibers on the nerve cell that are the receptive areas of the neuron are known as the?

the short branched nerve fibers on the nerve cell are called dendrites