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When there attracted to the charged wand they are polar.

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3mo ago

The molecules attracted to a charged wand are most likely polar molecules. Polar molecules have uneven distribution of charge which allows them to interact with other charged objects, such as a charged wand. Nonpolar molecules have a more symmetric charge distribution and are less likely to be attracted to a charged wand.

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Q: When the molecules are attracted to a charged wand are they polar or nonpolar?
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Fats and oils are nonpolar, so they will remain separate from molecules of a polar solvent such as water. Sodium and chloride ions are attracted to charged regions on molecules of polar solvents such as water.

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No, water molecules are polar and are attracted to other polar molecules, while nonpolar molecules like oil are not attracted to water. This is why oil and water do not mix - the polar nature of water causes it to exclude nonpolar molecules.

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If polar and nonpolar solutions are mixed together, they will not mix and will form separate layers due to their different polarities. This is because polar molecules are attracted to other polar molecules, while nonpolar molecules are attracted to other nonpolar molecules.

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Molecules that do not have oppositely charged ends are nonpolar molecules.

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Water is a polar molecule with positive and negative charges that attract other polar molecules but repel nonpolar molecules. Nonpolar molecules lack charged regions, so they are not attracted to water and tend to cluster together instead of dissolving in water. This is why oil, for example, does not mix with water.

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Hydrocarbons and other nonpolar molecules are not attracted to water because they are nonpolar themselves, causing them to be hydrophobic. This is due to the difference in polarity between water (a polar molecule) and nonpolar molecules, preventing them from forming hydrogen bonds and leading to low solubility in water.

Why does BF3 not mix with H2O?

Boron trifluoride (BF3) does not mix with water (H2O) because BF3 is a nonpolar molecule, whereas water is a polar molecule. Polar molecules are attracted to other polar molecules due to their opposite charges, whereas nonpolar molecules are not attracted to polar molecules. This difference in polarity prevents the two substances from mixing.

A molecule that is positively charge on one end and negatively charged on the other end is called a nonpolar?

Actually, a molecule that is positively charged on one end and negatively charged on the other end is called a polar molecule. Nonpolar molecules have an even distribution of charge.

Why is butane not soluble in water?

Butane is a nonpolar molecule, while water is a polar molecule. Nonpolar molecules like butane are not attracted to the polar water molecules, making it insoluble in water. This lack of interaction between the molecules prevents butane from dissolving in water.

Is a non polar molecules?

A nonpolar molecule is a molecule that shares electrons equally and does not have oppositely charged ends.