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The weighted average of all of the natural occuring isotopes for a particular element is called its Atomic Weight (or Relative Atomic Mass)

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Q: When the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called an elements what?
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When masses of naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element is averaged the result is called the elements?

... atomic mass or atomic weight.

When the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the results is called the elements?

This is the atomic weight of the element.

When the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is call the elements?

Atomic mass.

When the masses of naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements of what?

When the masses of naturally occurring isotopes of an element are averaged, the result is called the element's average atomic mass.

When the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements?

Atomic weight, if the average is taken by weighting the mass of each naturally occurring isotope by its natural abundance.

When the masses of all the naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements what?

The weighted average of all of the natural occuring isotopes for a particular element is called its Atomic Weight (or Relative Atomic Mass)

When the masses of all natural occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements?

This is the atomic weight.

When masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements?

When masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged, the result is called the element's atomic weight. This value reflects the average mass of all isotopes in their natural abundance.

When the masses of all naturally occuring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements what?

Average atomic mass.

When the masses of all naturally ocurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result is called the elements?

No it is called the atomic mass

Are all the elements naturally occurring manmade or both?

Not all the elements occur naturally; some elements are man-made.

When the masses of all naturally occurring isotopes of a particular element are averaged the result of the elements?

When the mathematical products of the mass of each naturally occurring isotope of a particular element, each mass being multiplied by the natural abundance fraction* of the particular isotope, are added, the result is called the element's atomic weight or, if the masses are expressed in grams per Avogadro's Number of atoms, the gram atomic mass._____________________________*The abundance fraction equals exactly 0.01 times the percent abundance of the isotope.