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A normal fault

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1mo ago

The result is a normal fault, where the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall due to extensional forces pulling the rock layers apart.

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Q: When the hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall the result is a?
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When the hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall the result is a?

A normal fault

What the hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall the result is a?

Normal Fault

What is the result When a hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall?

When the hanging wall of a fault slips down with respect to the footwall, it results in a normal fault. This type of faulting is associated with extensional tectonic forces, where the hanging wall moves downward in relation to the footwall, creating space between the two blocks.

How is the hanging wall different from the footwall?

The hanging wall is the upper block in a fault where movement has occurred, while the footwall is the lower block that has not moved. The hanging wall moves over the footwall in response to stress within the Earth's crust.

The hanging wall slides up and down over the footwall is called?

That geological structure is called a normal fault, where the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall. If the hanging wall slides up and over the footwall, it is known as a reverse fault.

Is a hanging wall the same as a footwall?

No, a hanging wall and a footwall are not the same in geology. The hanging wall is the block of rock above a fault line that moves down relative to the footwall, which is the block of rock below the fault line that moves up.

How do the hanging wall and footwall move in a lateral fault?

In a lateral fault, the hanging wall moves horizontally in relation to the footwall. This type of fault occurs when the blocks of rock on either side of the fault move horizontally past each other. The hanging wall moves in the direction of the fault line, while the footwall remains relatively stationary.

In a hanging fault the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall?


Is the strike slip fault a hanging wall or a footwall?

A strike-slip fault does not have a hanging wall or footwall because the movement is primarily horizontal, with the two sides sliding past each other horizontally.

What fault will the hanging wall move down relative to the footwall?

In a normal fault, the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall due to tensional forces pulling the plates apart. This type of fault is associated with divergent plate boundaries or areas where the Earth's crust is being pulled apart.

How does the hanging wall move in relation to the footwall?

normal fault

Is a thrust fault a normal fault?

No, a thrust fault is a type of reverse fault, where the hanging wall moves up and over the footwall. In contrast, a normal fault is a type of fault where the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall.