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The ER and Golgi complex serves a place for protein maturation. Polypeptide chain after synthesis undergoes folding events and post translation modification such as acylation, glycoscylation. Golgi vesicles secrete the protein to extracellular space if the proteins is a secretory proteins. It all depends on the destination signal in the proteins.

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Once proteins are processed and sorted by the Golgi complex, they are packaged into vesicles and transported to their final destinations. These destinations can include the cell membrane for secretion, lysosomes for degradation, or specific organelles within the cell for various functions.

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Q: When the Golgi complex finish where do the proteins go?
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Why do you called it Golgi complex?

The Golgi complex is named after its discoverer, Italian scientist Camillo Golgi, who first described this structure in the late 19th century. It plays a crucial role in processing, modifying, and packaging macromolecules for delivery to their cellular or extracellular destinations.

Does mRNA ever go to the Golgi apparatus?

mRNA does not go to the Golgi apparatus. mRNA is a molecule that carries genetic information from the cell's nucleus to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesized. The Golgi apparatus is mainly involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins for secretion or for use within the cell.

What structure is like a customization shop where the finishing touches are put on proteins before they are ready to leave the cell factory?

The Golgi Body is the shipping and receiving department of the cell. The Golgi is similar to the end of an assembly line, putting the finishing touches on proteins and shipping them out where they need to go.

What is Golgi body seventh grade answer?

The Golgi body is the organelle that accepts modified proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum and further modifies them, packages them in vesicle and ships them to places within and without the cell. The Golgi body also synthesizes lysosomes. The Golgi body is like a water bottle because the Golgi body takes things in and then distributes the proteins to where they need to go like how a water bottle takes in the water or other drinking liquid and then gives it out to where ever or whatever needs it.

What happens after the synthesis of proteins?

After proteins get modified in the Endoplasmic Reticulum, they are transported through the golgi apparatus where they get packaged into vesicles to late be secreted out of the cell or to be used within the cell.

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What package proteins so they can be sent where they need to go?

golgi apparatus

Why do you called it Golgi complex?

The Golgi complex is named after its discoverer, Italian scientist Camillo Golgi, who first described this structure in the late 19th century. It plays a crucial role in processing, modifying, and packaging macromolecules for delivery to their cellular or extracellular destinations.

What everyday object is similar to Golgi complex?

A post office is similar to the Golgi complex in that it processes and packages materials (mail in the case of a post office, proteins and lipids in the case of the Golgi complex) before sending them to their destination (recipient cell in the case of a Golgi complex). Both also play a role in modifying and sorting items before they are shipped out.

What is the function of the Golgi complex?

The Golgi complex functions as a processing and packaging organelle in the cell. It modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and lipids into vesicles for transport within the cell or secretion outside the cell. It plays a crucial role in the post-translational modification of proteins.

Compare and contrast the function of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex?

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) synthesizes, folds, and transports proteins and lipids, while the Golgi complex modifies, sorts, and packages these molecules for transport to their final destinations. The ER is involved in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism, whereas the Golgi complex processes and post-translationally modifies proteins before they are shipped to other cellular compartments or to the cell surface.

What is the function of the golgy complex?

The Golgi is.... rather complex. It is also important to note that we have an incomplete knowledge of the Golgi.As far as we know the Golgi is involved in trafficking to and from the various organelles in the cell. In addition different parts of the Golgi are involved in O and N-linked glycosylation. The Golgi contains some apoptotic proteins so its probably involved in programmed cell death too. They likely package and distribute the proteins.A good way to understand cells at first to to see them as a factory. This factory manufactures proteins. The membrane forms the walls. There are doors which allow necessary things to come in and go out. The floor of the building contains the cytoplasm. The nucleus is the main office. This is where plans are drafted and drawn up to make proteins. These instructions are sent to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). This is the factory floor. Each work station is a ribosome. These ribosomes make the proteins. The mitochondria are the power houses. The Golgi Body is the shipping and receiving department. It sends out the proteins that the cell makes. The vacuoles are the trash bins. There are also parts which are brought out when needed as in cell division: centrioles and fibers.The Golgi complex is also known as Golgi bodies. Their purpose is to pack and carry proteins and lipids in the cell.

Where do the proteins go after the Golgi?

After leaving the Golgi apparatus, proteins can be transported to various cellular destinations such as the cell membrane for secretion, lysosomes for degradation, or specific organelles for specialized functions. The proteins may also be packaged into vesicles for transport to different parts of the cell or outside the cell.

Does mRNA ever go to the Golgi apparatus?

mRNA does not go to the Golgi apparatus. mRNA is a molecule that carries genetic information from the cell's nucleus to the ribosomes where proteins are synthesized. The Golgi apparatus is mainly involved in modifying, sorting, and packaging proteins for secretion or for use within the cell.

What would happen if the Golgi stopped working in a cell?

If there was no Golgi apparatus, the proteins would float around not knowing where to go. Other cells and organs in the body wouldn't function properly because they didn't receive the products from the Golgi.

What happens if the Golgi apparatus doesnt work?

The Golgi Apparatus is the post office of the cell. Proteins are made on the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and modified in the Goli complex forming such proteins like Glycoproteins, transmembrane and excreted proteins. On the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Lipids are synthesised. These proteins and lipids are excreted by the cell to be used elsewhere throughout other cells, membranes and signalling in the extracellular fluids of the body. If the Golgi Apparatus was damaged, protein shape, hence function may be altered. This is just one example of what could happen though anything from no proteins being synthesised to lysosomes being released damaging intracellular components. The Golgi complex is necessary for the plasma membrane proteins and lipids and many other things in and around the cell and so damage would most probably cause the cell to undergo PCD (Programmed cell death), but this would only occur if the Golgi complex could not be repaired, which it most likely could be.

How do the Golgi complex and the cytoskeleton work together to transport proteins or other large molecules from one region of a cell to another?

The Golgi complex modifies and packages proteins into vesicles that are then transported by the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton, made up of microtubules and actin filaments, acts as a network of tracks along which the vesicles can move within the cell. This coordinated effort ensures efficient and accurate transport of proteins or other molecules to their intended destinations within the cell.

What structure is like a customization shop where the finishing touches are put on proteins before they are ready to leave the cell factory?

The Golgi Body is the shipping and receiving department of the cell. The Golgi is similar to the end of an assembly line, putting the finishing touches on proteins and shipping them out where they need to go.